bonsai from seed

  1. Kievnstavick

    Seedy Adventure: The Germination Begins (A Stick to Pot side story)

    Outside of the outrageously length title (I just wanted a fun title!), welcome to the begining of the thread. I plan to document my process, trials, and errors in this thread directly pertaining to the pursuit of growing pre-bonsai from seed as my own record as well as having a public place for...
  2. BonsaiNaga13

    2019 From seed

    We're rounding the corner of the end of the growing season in my neck of the woods, so I figured I'd get my seeds for next year stratified early. So far I'm trying Pond cypress More bald Cypress Trident maple Japanese larch Eastern larch Costal redwood Some crab apple I started late\early Maybe...
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