bonsai care

  1. Apex37

    What Unexpected Plants/Species Have Done Well For You?

    I wanted to make a thread pointing out species you’ve been working with that may not necessarily be native to your region, but have been growing well for you. The idea is to open up discussion for members to share their insight with species they’ve been working with that aren’t normally grown in...
  2. O

    Bonsai not growing to full potential

    Hello all, I have had this bonsai for approximately 2 years, however it has never really grown to be thick and has always been quite sparse. After doing a bit of youtubeing, i was thinking of repotting it in spaghnum moss. However, I wanted to ask on a forum to get further advice before doing...
  3. W

    Can a nutrient deficient appear spontaneously (Chinese Elm)

    Hi About a week or two ago I posted a thread regarding what I thought at the time was a form of fungal infection or pest on my Chinese elm, and a few kind people replied, with the majority of them deeming it to be a nutrient deficiency (mainly N). Initially this seemed like a reasonable...
  4. D

    Japanese Red Maple 🍁 with burnt leaves.

    Hello 👋 I have recently purchased Japanese red maple 🍁 at a nursery near my place and it turned out to be having burnt leaves recently, reading through some online resources I come to know it’s because of too much sun exposure. How could I make it recover before it gets worsen? One solution...
  5. Scrogdor

    Starter Trident Maple not looking so good: Help!!!

    How's it going everyone, I'm new to bonsai and having some trouble with my first one :(. I picked up a starter trident maple that came in a tiny tiny plastic pot about two weeks ago. I repotted it, teased the roots out gently, filled with bonsai soil and put it on my balcony which receives 6-8...
  6. Trigobontree

    New Flame Tree. What do I do now?

    I just unboxed this guy today (hence the folded leaves in the photo, but he appears to be bouncing back nicely). As with all of my acquirements, he’s in “quarantine” right now, and then will be going in the greenhouse after a slip pot into boon mix once he recovers from shipping. I can’t find...
  7. Kodama

    Bonsai Care Index?

    Hey BNuts! Just curious if anyone knows of a resource where you can look up your tree type and climate zone and it will give you a seasonal care chart of what work can be done in that zone by the season? I have a couple books with general seasonal care chart for a few species but none address...
  8. Bonsai4life

    Italian Stone Pine Care in Phoenix Arizona

    Hello everyone! I just got an Italian Stone Pine and need some pointers to wire it, pot it and care for it. I got started into bonsai 1 year ago so I’m still learning. I live in Glendale, AZ. I checked on the website Phoenix Bonsai Society but there is not much info about this tree. I would...
  9. J

    portulacaria afra Care tips (elephant bush)

    so questions about portulacaria afra. I was looking for indoor bonsai and had some portulacaria afra in succulent arrangements so chose that one. See photo attached. All leaves are turning black and dropping off. I am watering every 3-4 days as soil dries out and happening with both soil types...
  10. Ujjawal Roy

    Bonsai substrate mix for dry climates.

    Greeting, everyone! I'll soon be shifting to a city that falls under USDA zone 12-13, the temps can go as high as 43°c in the summer months and the climate of the place is quite dry as it is away from the shoreline. My new house has a balcony which will receive morning sunlight till around 12...
  11. Ujjawal Roy

    General Bonsai soil discussion

    Hello guys, just wanted to share a thought with you about bonsai soils. I'm a self taught "trying to be" a bonsai artist, so, please forgive my lack of knowledge. I consider Mr. Nigel Saunders from The Bonsai Zone youtube channel as my online guru and have learned a lot from watching his videos...
  12. Jhervi

    (New Bonsai'er) Need care advice for a trident Maple and Juniper Bonsai

    Hi yall, I am brand new to the world of Bonsai. I have always been very fascinated with the art of bonsai and am excited to start learning and caring for these trees. I was hoping to get some advice on care for two bonsai trees I recieved as a gift from my girlfriend. I live in zone 9b of...
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