
  1. S

    Chinese elm need help

    Hello I’m new to bonsai. 3 days ago I received a Chinese elm tree and I was a little disappointed because the leaves were very thin through out the tree and there is constant yellowing on the leaves, any advice on how to make this bonsai flourish? I put the Chinese elm by the window which only...
  2. WhatsApp Image 2024-05-08 at 20.07.30_a115db2f.jpg

    WhatsApp Image 2024-05-08 at 20.07.30_a115db2f.jpg

    Desmodium/ Blue braya is in full broom after some pruning was done on the plant.
  3. B

    Premna supplier

    Hi! 👋 I'm new on the platform. I've been looking for premna microphylla raw tree on the internet but i can't find any. Do you know any online supplier (/would you sell me some?)
  4. Drocksteady87

    Is my Japanese juniper bonsai dying? Please help.

    I bought my Japanese juniper about 3 weeks ago. I live in Sacramento, CA. I keep my tree indoors but let it sit outside for about 2-3hrs a day. I let it soak in water for about 5-10min. This is my first bonsai ever and don’t want it to die on me. Any help will be appreciated thanks.
  5. J

    My leaves are gone!

    I am reasonably new to bonsai trees getting my tree at the start of 2020. Every winter I have the same problem with my tree's leaves falling off. This year, just like last all his leaves have almost fallen off. I don't think it's normal for him and I don't know what kind of bonsai he is. The...
  6. N

    I got my bonsai last Christmas and having issues (newbie)

    Hi guys, So I'm fairly new to having a bonsai as I only got mine last Christmas and lately within the last couple weeks my Chinese elm hasn't been looking so healthy (as shown in the pictures). many of the leaves are going red and some even looking wilted or brown. I'm not sure what to do and...
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