
  1. Damart81

    First Yamadori Bald Cypress Project Questions

    Hello, I have had this bald cypress yamadori for about a year and a month now. I let it do its thing for a year and now ready to start guiding it with a design. It just started pushing some buds, so I have a couple of questions. I am doing a flat top design but considering different options...
  2. Taxodium Distichum

    Taxodium Distichum

    Bald Cypress
  3. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  4. Bald Cypress

    Bald Cypress

  5. Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection

    Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection

    Bonsai Artist: Mr. Vaughn Banting Species: Bald Cypress (Taxodium distichum) Traditions and Transitions - Arts of the Earth This unique display combining the art of pottery, with the art of bonsai, was put on by the Weyerhaeuser Company. The curator for the Pacific Rim Bonsai Collection...
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