
  1. Bonsaipadawan

    Help with Azalea development and maybe I.D.

    Hello all, I bought this azalea from a private seller in Florida. I like the material but I am a bit lost with it as I am relatively new to bonsai and I am unsure what my next steps really should be. The seller told me this azalea is girards crimson but a few have told me they don't think it...
  2. Deep Sea Diver

    The Azalean features an article by one of our very own!

    The Journal of the Azalea Society of America, “The Azalean” just featured an article of one of our own, @Glaucus , in it’s Summer 2022 edition (vol. 44 No.2). It can be viewed at for a small fee. @Glaucus ’s article Development of New Satsuki Azalea Hybrids in Japan...
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