anderson flat

  1. pandacular

    TinyRoots Propagation Trays

    I was looking to pick up some Anderson flats for this coming repot season, and was wondering if anyone had tried the TinyRoots Propagation Flats. They’re pretty similar to Anderson flats but with slightly different dimensions and a different mesh. Priced a little bit higher, but if they’re less...
  2. Apex37

    Question on Ebihara Technique w/ Younger Trees

    So I have mostly younger tress around 1" in trunk size. The few I was thinking of trying the Ebihara technique on, but I was wondering if it may be better to wait till they are larger in trunk size or if that matters? My main concern was I know most videos and the threads on here recommend...
  3. Clblay

    Pyracantha Work for Spring

    Long time viewer, 1st time poster. I plan on doing some work on this Pyracantha I bought a few years ago. Has been growing in half wine barrel for a couple years. Would like to root prune and do some trim work in a few weeks. Looking to place in an Anderson flat for training. It's just far...
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