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  1. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    I actually still need to decide on what to go for I can either compress on right or left side and can drive the apex towards the compressed side or opposite as well to escape the current Christmas tree shape of the tree. More in favor of pushing tree to outside of the pot mire and compressing...
  2. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    My branches wiring skills aren't that good bur it'll be a good exercise I guess. I opted to delay full branch wiring as it'll need taking out a lot of foliage which I thought would be a bit risky at beginning of winter? I'll try wiring som and see if that clears up things more.
  3. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    Problem is the whole tree was beyond the pot which felt very unstable.
  4. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    Looking at the tree yesterday I turned the back to see if it works better as a front and it wasn't too bad. What's your thoughts ? Base I feel current front is more powerful yet the thicker base should have been on the other side supporting a tree that leans to the opposite side and not towards...
  5. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    Then few days back I completes the styling. The break I had in the trunk uninitial styling was a limiting factor as live vein split a bit more as soon as I started bending. But guess I got the tree to the shape I wanted. I didn't prune much to avoid further stress on the tree or it favoritizing...
  6. M

    Next step for this styled juniper

    So in April 2022 I repotted the tree out of nursery soil. Went pretty conservative in cleaning up soil to avoid stressing tree further so guess will follow up with a end cleanup in spring 24 or 25.
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    I just received the tree, well its still at nursery as i have no space to house it :) Tree is bigger than I expected but is amazing. It has every sign of age and beauty, yet its too grow as it is to turn into a bonsai and any branch to remove is a bonsai tree on its own. I agreed with nursery...
  8. M

    Large olive bonsai fell out of pot

    Tree made it through the initial repot abd the fall. It's growing leaves and branches, not as aggressive as I want but not bad. Have the following on the list of things to do for it. Carve the straight cuts on the base abd the trunk, wire it to set the structure once I have an idea on how to go...
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    I should be receiving the tree in few days. Think I can still repot this year ? We're at 20-2 5 degrees Celsius at daytime and 15 at night for couple more weeks before it drops to 10-15 at daytime and 5-10at night time. Or eould it be best to wait till early spring ?
  10. M


    Wow thanks for all the replies. From old trees I used to post the advice was always to avoid thick unmanageable trunks. Guess I'll go with it this time as its an awesome tree!
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    Been looking for none since months for bark and fall colors... Have these 2 options and hard to fond anything else. Believe the larger one is out of consideration for bonsai. Wondering about the large one even if I can't make it a bonsai maybe a true to form pomegranate in. Bonsai pot ... any...
  12. M

    Podocarpus styling

    Thanks for the info Will prune to clean up the crazy growth it had coming fall and will gradually move as suggested with the branches, thanks for the info.
  13. M

    Podocarpus styling

    Hello, Yes tree is still available and roughly in same state as in Jan with some more growth. Appreciate any input
  14. M

    Olive front choice and plan

    Chopped it further hoping this will trigger some backbudding
  15. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    Chopped tree three heavily and will see what new growth I'll get
  16. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    Yes the main trunk is dead and I'm building a Tree from a branch growing from base on the back side. My carving skills ain't great so not sure if I'll be able to carve the top left section. Was hoping I can build a larger tree around it so the dead trunk is minimized
  17. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    Thanks for the suggestions will chop tree three down to base and reduce tree two more.
  18. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    And one last one
  19. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    Third olive Had it since few years and never liked the top. Had broken a branch in a previous woring and it ended it dying which I guess finally let me chop it hard. Would u prune harder to the point of not leaving any foliage on the branches or need to leave some leaves ? I'm fine slchopping...
  20. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    Second tree had chopped it before abd it regrew but still not getting any other branches than the one on top of the chops.
  21. M

    Styled few olives, input appreciated

    I styled these olives yesterday, any feedback on style, wiring or how to proceed with them is appreciated. First one is a dead olive I purchased years back and working on growing a tree from a branch alive in the back side. Pre styling Back side Post styling Not sure if I should grow...
  22. M

    Olive front choice and plan

    Chopped the middle branch abd reduced all the branches heavily, maybe went a bit too heavy ? Here are the three sides I'm considering for front, any advice now that the tree looks cleaner 2nd one is the one I still believe is showing the best movement and base. Any suggestions? Should I...
  23. M

    3 new trees lebanese cedar Olive and ziqba

    Phillyrea Latifolia as said is budding all over from old bark. Here's couple pics of the new shoots. Sorry was on the bench so a bit hard to see the shoots separate from other trees around. Plan is to prune the new growth post harden around mid June abd wire it if already hardened to start...
  24. M

    3 new trees lebanese cedar Olive and ziqba

    It's doing great and all the new sprouts have already grown, will share a pic when back home. Nursery owner had a couple of those a friend if mine picked up the other one a bit smaller but roughly same shape. Not sure if they are easy to root will try to make couplenof cuttings in February and...
  25. M

    Oak tree from nursery not looking well

    Thanks for all the replies. Tree seems yo have exploded with growth, I see gigantic leaves on the top which are easily 5 time the size of older leaves. Not a concern at this stage but clearly a lesson for after developing this tree. I'm in favor of having to chop the branches, and develop the...
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