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  1. Brian Van Fleet

    collecting trees after leafing out

    The leaves can dessicate because a reduced root system cannot supply water fast enough. I found that to be the case once when I reduced the roots of my J maple too much, just a little too late. I had to really baby the tree for a few weeks to get it strong.
  2. Brian Van Fleet

    Red Chojubai Starter

    Newbies kill trees fastest by transplanting them. If you’re new and they’re taking water, I recommend not repotting them. They do not appear to be underpotted.
  3. Brian Van Fleet

    Anchoring Guy Wires - Share Your Techniques, Tips, Tricks

    Thanks, it was a couple houses ago, but here are a few.
  4. Brian Van Fleet

    A couple from the past

    Great bark on that second one.
  5. Brian Van Fleet

    wtb; Sam Miller pots

    Need is rarely the impetus for a pot buy….unless I’m trying to convince my wife.😂
  6. Brian Van Fleet

    JBP need help with styling

    This from a guy who has grown JBP from seed in containers for 30+ years? To what end?
  7. Brian Van Fleet

    wtb; Sam Miller pots

    I commissioned this one from him back in 2017 and used it for an Ume for a few years. I am not using it now and have kept it around because it’s a good size for transitioning a tree from growing out to a bonsai pot. I could probably be convinced to pack it up and ship it at some point. Can’t...
  8. Brian Van Fleet

    Inverse taper on large European Beech

    Beech heal so slowly that I would try to address the cut by choosing the front in a way that conceals it. I know you said you don’t mind setting it back a few years, but my experience with healing beech wounds is that it takes easily 3x longer than I expected. Kind of like hornbeam, beech cuts...
  9. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    Here are a couple flowers from the OP tree. Guess I’m seeing stamen, but can’t really make out a Pistil.
  10. Brian Van Fleet

    Look what just showed up!

    Congrats, nice pickup. I have the same coffee maker, BTW, just in chrome. 3 minutes to brew a perfect pot, and no beeping.😅
  11. Brian Van Fleet

    Shipping Aftercare

    If it needs to be repotted, you should not hesitate based on shipping. I had him ship a green pot juniper to me a few years ago in the middle of summer and it was packed well and didn’t skip a beat. His soil is a little denser that what we would use in our climates, but it drained fine. After...
  12. Brian Van Fleet

    prune black pine tap roots??

    I would probably cut back to here, and reduce again in a few years. If you plant them in the ground, you’ll want to dig them up every 3-4 years to keep the roots close to the trunk. Pines’ feeder roots get pretty far out from the trunk over time.
  13. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    Here is another one. Based on the diagram from @NaoTK this one shows more female-shaped flowers and sepals. It was also in fruit when I got it, but I have not had it hold fruit since I got it 5-6 years ago.
  14. Brian Van Fleet

    Stewartia Monadelpha

    Never tried. May have to sometime.
  15. Brian Van Fleet

    ID this please

    Definitely Nandina.
  16. Brian Van Fleet

    Pseudocydonia, Chinese Quince

    Maybe just a little early because it spent a week in the garage instead of outside in the low teens.
  17. Brian Van Fleet

    Arakawa Maple Development

    Don’t worry about sap loss. It isn’t really a problem. Grow the trunk until the first section is almost as big as you want it to be forever. Once you start chopping (especially in a pot) the trunk thickening really slows down. If you want a taller tree with graceful and subtle bends, cut at...
  18. Brian Van Fleet

    Arakawa Japanese Maple

    Rugged and graceful at the exact same time. Looking fantastic Serg.
  19. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    And mean little buggers too. When I got to “their” area of the tank, I had to use one hand to clean, and the other for defense and distraction.
  20. Brian Van Fleet

    Keep it or Cut it?

  21. Brian Van Fleet

    Pseudocydonia, Chinese Quince

    First round of Mancozeb today.
  22. Brian Van Fleet

    Stewartia Monadelpha

    Just starting to pop…
  23. Brian Van Fleet

    This morning

    Of course!
  24. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    Thank you @NaoTK that is very good information. I will let them get bigger and cut one open.
  25. Brian Van Fleet

    Calling on the Princess Persimmon Experts…

    Thanks, I was kind of going on the concept that it could set fruit without a male, although it would be sterile.
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