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  1. pitchpine

    What's wrong with my collected American elm?

    So, I collected this multiple trunk elm on April 16 just as the buds were starting to swell. It was growing on the edge of the sidewalk in front of my parents house, so I was able to only save a small fraction of the roots. I was completely out of bonsai soil at the time (it was a spur of the...
  2. pitchpine

    Bizarre urban yamadori horse chestnut

    So yesterday my 4 year old niece inspired me to try & collect a volunteer horse chestnut that had been growing under my parents' porch for somewhere between 10-20 years. It was a true excavation, because the space underneath the porch is covered by a latice, through which the tree had...
  3. pitchpine

    Japanese black pine 2 progression

    Finally starting to get a plan in place for this tree, which I purchased from New England Bonsai Gardens just over 3 years ago for $49. (It was the 2nd JBP I acquired, so it's "JBP 2" in all my notes & photos & I'm going to stick with calling it that here to avoid confusing myself, lol). First...
  4. pitchpine

    How long can a "finished" shohin pine design last?

    I've a couple pines in early development to be shohin, and I was thinking about the far off future. Of course no design for a living tree is static, but what are the odds I'll have to do a radical redesign in my lifetime (I'm 37)? I know that if an individual branch eventually gets overgrown...
  5. pitchpine

    Advice on JBP approach graft

    Hey guys, Backstory: a couple years ago I tried an approach graft on my first Japanese black pine, which was a workshop tree and still early in development. My goal was to improve the lower trunk, which due to some twists looks like it has a bit of reverse taper even though it doesn't really...
  6. pitchpine

    Acer pennsylvanicum as bonsai?

    Last fall I acquired a couple one gallon Acer pennsylvanicum from a native plant nursery in western MA. The species is known by a variety of names: Moosewood, Goosefoot, Striped, or Snakebark Maple, and it's native to the northeastern US. In my online research I've only found claims (on vendor...
  7. pitchpine

    Interesting perspective on the USDA Zones

    Just came across this article about Sable Island in Canada (which has always intrigued me), and buried toward the bottom was an interesting fact: the island is technically classified as USDA zone 8a! But because that just indicates an average minimum low temperature, the island is so relatively...
  8. pitchpine

    Free citrus seedlings (Repost from General Discussion)

    Hi everyone! I have some citrus seedlings I started in January, and will not have room for all of them once they need to be potted up. I've got 2 different species growing, both are colloquially called/used as lemons in Colombia where the seeds came from, but neither are truly lemons. One...
  9. pitchpine

    Free citrus seedlings

    Hi everyone! I have some citrus seedlings I started in January, and will not have room for all of them once they need to be potted up. I've got 2 different species growing, both are colloquially called/used as lemons in Colombia where the seeds came from, but neither are truly lemons. One...
  10. pitchpine

    West coast road trip recommendations?

    Hi all, I'm going to be joining a friend for part of his cross country read trip next month. The part of the drive I'll be along for will be Seattle south to LA, then east to El Paso. I'll be flying back home from Texas (couldn't take time off to do the whole thing), but he'll be continuing on...
  11. pitchpine

    JBP candle growth aborting

    JBP candle growth aborting (or stalling) Hi all, I got this JBP from New England Bonsai in March, Hitoshi said it came in from California this year, so might take some time to acclimate. I repotted in early May into a mostly pumice mixture and it started putting out huge candles---in the...
  12. pitchpine

    Cool product for sketching out a tree's future design

    Lately I've been trying to find a good way to sketch out possible futures for some of my trees. I'm not the best at drawing from life, but I'm pretty good at tracing. :) So I was excited to find this product on Kickstarter this weekend, and thought some of you might be interested too...
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