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  1. greenman63

    To the masters of the Desert Rose

    They're not very fussy, but that might also depend on how much root you cut/removed/damaged during repotting. I would wait for the soil to dry completely, and then give it a little more time than that, before a second watering. They can definitely take dry conditions, but IME they can take a lot...
  2. greenman63

    Air Log - an experiment in ficus

    Day 6 and new growth happening, old growth hasn't stopped yet. A little insect damage, but feeling pretty hopeful.
  3. greenman63

    Air Log - an experiment in ficus

    Much of my bonsai hobby is very experimental in terms of style and method, just like my art and poetry. In the process of pruning an older ficus, I decided to remove a branch that had a pretty good sized air root growing down from it. A difficult decision but ultimately worth the loss to get a...
  4. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    What made the event worthwhile was seeing the many bonsai clubs, societies, nurseries and hobbyists showing their stuff. Tons of cool booth displays. Much of it was enjoyable, some of it was breathtaking. They also held a couple free public workshops were very inspiring and informational (ok...
  5. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    Yes, been there many times! Last time I was there for a bonsai festival, many very impressive trees were on display. Disappointingly, their stands bore placards with the scientific name of each tree, but I found not a single tree posted on its own stand. If it was a ficus, the plaque was for a...
  6. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    If you're in a good warm climate or can provide a reasonable facsimile thereof, FT can live quite a bit longer than 4 years. I see no reason for anything different under adequate conditions, given that they often survive in the landscape here for decades. You should be in pretty good shape. šŸ˜Ž...
  7. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    If it's any comfort mine always drop leaves and scare the hell out of me before recovery. You get a feel for when they're really in trouble or not after enough seasons. I don't blame people for losing good FT, they're easier in their own climate zone, and yes, fussy when on the edge of cold weather.
  8. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    Forgot I was casting bait into hungry waters, lol. It is a monstrosity. Shitty stick in pot I believe is the applicable terminology. It needs a good repot and I doubt any of the existing canopy is relevant to its ultimate goal. More than courage, it's knowing I'll have the time to keep it alive...
  9. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    Not making any claims about styling, this one is about 6 years old now.
  10. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    FT are one of the easiest to propagate IME. Fresh berries, dried berries, growing tips, woody stems. The only thing easier might be some ficus spp. because you can literally stick a leaf in dirt and grow a tree. I put cuttings in a non-draining container full of potting soil on the warm porch...
  11. greenman63

    Pruning Fukien Tea

    Light pruning of those awkward branches is ok on a healthy tree any time. Limit heavy pruning to warmest season.
  12. greenman63

    Fukien tea dormancy

    My Fukien Teas thrive in this 10a zone all year, with nighttime winter temps rarely dipping much below 50F. My experience is they never go truly dormant, but they can slow down quite a bit. They'll appreciate any sunlight and heat you can give all year, and are also prolific at fruiting when...
  13. greenman63

    SI have decided to go back into bonsaiNut ya guys.

    Everyone has an opinion. I'm just amazed that anyone gives shrift to narcissists and their sycophants. Is this his website? I gather it's not.
  14. greenman63

    SI have decided to go back into bonsaiNut ya guys.

    He lost me at waah. Nobody needs an attention seeker, no matter how good they are at their art. Plenty of other people and places to get good advice.
  15. greenman63

    Is there any hope for this fukien?

    Stay the course, I think you're doing fine. Keep providing as much sun, heat and adequate water as you can, and I'm very optimistic it will come 'round. A warm spring with new soil should give it a push in the right direction. If the weather is good, I'd say you're safe to add just a hint of...
  16. greenman63

    Is there any hope for this fukien?

    Looks pretty normal for FT roots, but yes, the soil had to go at some point. What soil mix did you end up using? Hope it's responding well.
  17. greenman63

    A couple Bougainvilleas in development

    Bougainvillea do very well when rootbound. They do well with good fertilizer like Bougain. My hat's off to any of you that can keep one going in cold climates. They're fine down to near freezing but they really thrive in the hot sun. This is my smallest one, a Hot Tomato bougainvillea i...
  18. greenman63

    Any ideas on how to 'repair' ugly horizontal scar on ficus?

    Love to see some progress reports whenever you're ready!
  19. greenman63

    Any ideas on how to 'repair' ugly horizontal scar on ficus?

    Ficus have pretty resilient bark. I'd tend to agree with Mellow Mullet, that carefully cutting out the scar is a good option that heals faster than the wire marks. I'd describe it as carefully shaving down the area immediately surrounding the scar, which will expose a layer of the cambium. This...
  20. greenman63

    Clusia Autograph Tree

    Good luck, please keep us posted!
  21. greenman63

    Big Trouble Little Ficus

    My ficus can take about as much direct sun as you can give them, and our summers here regularly approach or exceed upper 90s, with summer temps on my front porch exceeding 100 on a daily basis. I keep my ficus either in humidity trays or not, but that depends on sun, pot size and shape...
  22. greenman63

    Clusia Autograph Tree

    The clusia I know definitely does back bud. Do you know which cultivar you have? Looks a little different from what grows here in my area, but appears to be rosea princess? Have you seen it flower?
  23. greenman63

    Is there any hope for this fukien?

    I would wait until it gets some good growth before trimming, and at that, just snip the tips for the better part of the season and let it get bushy for a little while if possible. Don't stress it until you're pretty comfortable that it's bounced back. Hold off on the fertilizer for a while...
  24. greenman63

    Is there any hope for this fukien?

    Excellent. Looks fairly typical for a Fukien in the cold, but I feel as if the enlarged leaves and sparse growth are due to etiolation: elongation, fewer and smaller leaves or sometimes enlargement thereof due to insufficient light - the plant is seeking stronger light by focusing on stretching...
  25. greenman63

    Is there any hope for this fukien?

    Clarification: The second website I posted is not for buying in bulk, and they apparently don't offer neem oil and a few other useful ones. This is their bulk purchase website, actually very reasonable prices for larger sized bottles and a greater variety of oils...
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