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  1. Adair M

    Lance's JBP....

    They’re just the wall blocks available at Lowe’s, sitting on the ground. I didn’t make a concrete pad because I wanted to be able to reconfigure the arrangement if I needed to. The shelves are pressure treated 4x6s. They’re strong and don’t sag, but some of them have twisted.
  2. Adair M

    Zelkova air layering and rehab project

    I’ll post an update when I have one. probably not until next spring.
  3. Adair M

    Excited to finally find a decent Mugo at one of my local nurseries

    I was going to suggest that as well. There’s no need to expose surface roots while the tree is early in its development. You want all the little roots around the base of the nebari to develop. If they’re exposed, they’ll dry out and die. It looks like you removed a major branch. That’s...
  4. Adair M

    Excited to finally find a decent Mugo at one of my local nurseries

    You should go ahead and just remove that root you’ve pinned down and the one on the left that’s growing up and over the other root.
  5. Adair M

    Mega Sale Pickup Only.

  6. Adair M

    Blue atlas cedar help

    If you look carefully at my tree, you can see the stubs of removed branches. They’re still there after 10 years. These take a long time to heal. Be prepared for a long project!
  7. Adair M

    Blue atlas cedar help

    You can plant it in the ground this fall. I suggest plant it in a raised bed with coarse soil using a lot of pumice and lava. Yes, It would not hurt to lift it out of the ground every few years, to balance the root system. I did not grow my tree. Jim Gremel did. But the description I gave...
  8. Adair M

    Blue atlas cedar help

    By the way, the bark of Atlas Cedar act much in the same way as Japanese White Pine. When young, the bark is smooth and grey. After 20, or maybe 30 years, it starts to crack and fissure, and then after another 10 to 15 years, it starts to develop a mature, rough appearance. The tree I posted...
  9. Adair M

    Blue atlas cedar help

    There are two ways that Atlas Cedars are generally styled: Formal Uprights; and Cascades. Cascades are created by taking the full 4 foot height you HAD, and are bent down using guy wires, heavy wire, and rebar levers. Too late for all that… If you want a Formal Upright like this one: The...
  10. Adair M

    Zelkova air layering and rehab project

    That, and there are actually green leaves on it…
  11. Adair M

    Zelkova air layering and rehab project

    LOL… I haven’t looked! The tree is still alive…
  12. Adair M

    What's your dream tree?

    Not that I know of. That tree was shown at Kokofu the year I was born: 1954. That’s 68 years ago! The tree is well over 100 years old.
  13. Adair M

    What's your dream tree?

    This tree would look better in a less deep, but wider pot.
  14. Adair M

    What's your dream tree?

    I stuck a collected Virginia Pine literati in there. i have to baby the Ezo. I only let it get 1/2 day sun, so I open a patio umbrella over it. And I make sure it always gets lots of water! It is, however, in a fast draining soil mix. But, I never let it “dry out”.
  15. Adair M

    What's your dream tree?

    Ironically, I have now obtained a pretty nice Zelkova! And as you can see, it is planted more in the center of the pot, just barely off center.
  16. Adair M

    Ezo Spruce, day one...

    He’s still doing his version of bonsai, though. Dav4 was in a bonsai show in Michigan a month or so ago, and he was there.
  17. Adair M

    What's your dream tree?

    Here’s a night shot:
  18. Adair M

    Ezo Spruce, day one...

    Any updates on this experiment? Are they still alive? By the way, “Ezo Spruce“is Picea glenii, which has a smaller, more delicate needle, and grows slower. Jezo or Yezo are coarser. Kinda like how San Jose juniper and Procumbens Nana juniper have similar foliage, but San Jose is coarser.
  19. Adair M

    Shohin white pine

    Ok, that’s better than pulling them, but you still should have waited.
  20. Adair M

    Shohin white pine

    I see you plucked old needles to make it easier to wire. You shouldn’t do that with a JWP. Wait until a little later in the summer or early fall, and the old needles will turn yellow and brown, and then they will fall off when you touch them. plucking needles that are still green can...
  21. Adair M

    Simulating floods for bald cypress taper.

    Yeah, if there are multiple cultivars, I wouldn’t know. Mine didn’t say what it was. Down near the base, I do get a few suckers of regular BC branches I have to remove.
  22. Adair M

    Simulating floods for bald cypress taper.

    Here’s a couple shots of my weeping BC: It naturally weeps. This tree was created by grafting on weeping branches onto a regular BC trunk. Here’s the apex: Up top, you can see that there is one wild upright shoot growing upwards with a lot of natural S curves. But, it has weeping...
  23. Adair M

    Would you let someone style your tree for you?

    If I may, let me make another point… I started trying to do bonsai when I was 16 or 17 years old. I’m 68 now, so that’s some 50+ years ago. There was no internet, no videos. There were only a few books and even they were scarce. I knew nothing about bonsai clubs, traveling masters, or any...
  24. Adair M

    Would you let someone style your tree for you?

    Before I invested money into really good trees, I first invested money into my education on how to produce, and maintain really good trees. Once I had the education THEN I started buying good material and making it become good bonsai. Before I obtained the education, I was making pretty good...
  25. Adair M

    Would you let someone style your tree for you?

    Yeah, I noticed! It’s ruined! I’m putting it in the Bonsai Society club auction.
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