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  1. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    one year later, after putting it into a tub with some regular potting soil just as an experiment the main tree is still going strong. just thought I'd throw this in here for fun.
  2. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    When repotting this in March of 2021, I had thrown this lower portion of the rootball in a dark corner of the yard. A few weeks later and it had started sprouting up - one big unintentional root cutting.
  3. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Early fall update -- will let the leader go to attempt to heal the wound. The big branch on the right will stay for now. Might make this the first branch -- will see how fast the one that sprouted down low thickens up though. I could always let that one run to try and catch up in thickness, but...
  4. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Good call. Time for that strangler to go!
  5. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Went for an airlayer up top to maybe make a tiny shohin broom. I kept one lignified branch that kind of runs through the back of the pot the airlayer is in. I hope it's enough to produce roots on the layer. If not, c'est la vie. Once it's removed, whether it takes or not I'll reduce this tree...
  6. Decoy Octopus

    Anyone successfully growing or have healthy Japanese Maples & Chaenomeles in SoCal, 10b?

    I have a handful of Japanese maples in 8b - Central Texas. We get plenty of ultra hot days here. I keep them in morning sun with dappled shade the rest of the day. Usually by the end of the year only the very beginning of the tips have browned.
  7. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Decided against going for multiple air layers as the upper sections were not all that interesting. Leaving room for one air layer up top once the leaves harden off. I may attempt a ground layer next year to address the base. I think this tree won't need too much recovery time but I figure a...
  8. Decoy Octopus

    Disqualified clump

    please delete
  9. Decoy Octopus

    Definitive Mame guide? - I like this blog for tiny trees. You can use google chrome to translate.
  10. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Hoping it wakes up after our big freeze. This tree was too tall to bring inside.
  11. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Repotted the big guy. Digging deeper revealed a bigger flare which is nice. some good radial roots under the pumice too. I'll have to deal with that little root that is wrapping around the base on the next repot. I'm planning on air-layering this either at the first branch on the left or the...
  12. Decoy Octopus

    5yr Native Tree Challenge - Cedar Elm

    Been lurking about for the past ten years here. Sounds like a fun time to jump in and start participating. I just picked this up for a pretty nice price as it was marked down. I'll enter this one for now. I plan to cut low this winter/spring and move it to a grow box to try and see what kind...
  13. Decoy Octopus

    2021 Challenge?

    Just adding to the fun. We are approaching nursery tree sale season. I've got my eye on a few cedar elms at a local nursery that will likely soon drop in price.
  14. Decoy Octopus

    Noobie Air Layer Fail - Trident Maple

    I've had trouble with my Trident Maple air layers. Japanese Maple, Elms, Crepe Myrtles all easy as pie but I've yet to have luck with Tridents.
  15. Decoy Octopus

    Sekka Hinoki Cypress

    Hi @skippy291 -- how has this tree been handling the Houston summers?
  16. Decoy Octopus

    Boxwood Styling and Branch Selection

    There is a great article by Michael Hagedorn in International Bonsai 2003 #3 on Boxwoods and how to increase twiggyness. Might be worth checking out!
  17. Decoy Octopus

    Chuhin Broom Elm

    This has been a great, inspiring thread. Thank you! I may try to imitate you and look for a clearance lacebark this fall.
  18. Decoy Octopus

    An unusual Trident

    My back hurts looking at this! I don’t have any trees nearly this large and learned the value of posture while repotting yesterday. looks like you’ve got a nice setup for all your work =)
  19. Decoy Octopus

    Maple Trasplant In Winter

    I’m in zone 8 and we’re hopefully through our freezes. I only have maples, elms, zelkova and liquidambar and repotted them yesterday. Your local club (if there is one) is usually what I defer to when repotting season rolls around because our winters vary from year to year.
  20. Decoy Octopus

    Amur vs Trident vs "Japanese"

    @carino -- I have cork bark elm, regular old Chinese elm, and seiju elm as well as trident and regular Japanese maple. I keep the Japanese maples under a lot of shade. PM me if you've got any questions or anything!
  21. Decoy Octopus

    Amur vs Trident vs "Japanese"

    I'm down in Central Texas and keep JM, Trident and Elms. Shade is your friend.
  22. Decoy Octopus

    Bargain Basement Crepe Myrtle

    It's still alive! It definitely isn't thriving though. I have not had much luck with crepe myrtles. All the growth is leggy and not very tiny tree looking. . . I'm sure it can be done, but I've decided to keep my focus on my maples and elms which seem to do the best for me.
  23. Decoy Octopus

    Little Black Pine

    It did list adelgids. . . maybe a few more applications? I've been doing it about once a week.
  24. Decoy Octopus

    Little Black Pine

    I've doused the tree four times with Nature's Care Insecticidal Soap with what seems to be no results. Is there a more effective pre-mixed solution for this? Any advice would be appreciated. -G
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