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  1. AlainK


    The blackbirds are at home here, but there's always a robin too, especially when you dig a a patch, it almost climbs on the fork to see if it can catch a worm ! I try to keep the magpies at bay, I like their look but they're predators. A couple of collared doves (are they the same each year?)...
  2. AlainK

    Maple bonsai to be

    Maple bonsai to be. An air-layer September 2020 to November 2023 :
  3. AlainK

    Autumn colours

    A very hot and dry summer here in the Loire valley. A few potted maples that survived. Different colours : when they were repotted, amount of soil mix, sun exposure, etc. : The one I prefer :
  4. AlainK


    Hi again, From a cutting made in the late 90s. 'Orange dream', an air-layer : Acer palmatum, another air-layer :
  5. AlainK

    My garden is a total mess

    But sometimes I can shoot a photo I like. Makes me feel like Douanier Rousseau by the dumping ground. You can't deny what runs in your blood 😁
  6. AlainK

    Maple from seed : acerp-nonid04

    I called it "nonid" because it was from a bunch of seeds, and anyway, if it was from a cultivar, you can't name it as such, you know why. I don't call my seedlings "non-identified" any longer : they identify themselves as who they are. Some have long internodes, some have short internodes, boo...
  7. AlainK

    Acer palmatum 19 acerp19

    Sometimes, the seeds you saw don't yield the short-internode, small-leaved maple with a stunning original colour you were looking for. This one had very long internodes. But it's my child, and I will carry on (2017-today):
  8. AlainK

    picea pg05

    Hi again mates, long time no see... 😁 Among the 20 or so Picea pungens "Glauca" that I sowed, this is the only one I've got left. Some of them died, others were not "glauca", I gave some, and sold (the best) one to a friend. I had this "number 5" that had lost most of it lower branches. It's...
  9. AlainK

    Not all of them are "evil"

    Not all of them are "evil", don't you think so ? Not all russians love putin, not all us citizens love trump, whose pal Kim sends rockets all ovr the pacific - thanks, darn old trump ! we feel so safe thanks to your media highness !!! I support the us citizens that fight against trumpery, In...
  10. AlainK

    Cryptomeria 'Yokohama'

    This was an "emotional buy" a few years ago. There must be another term for "emotional buy", but I'm getting old and haven't practised my English for a couple of years now, but anyway, you probably know what I mean. I never found a link on this supposed cultivar of cryptomeria, but it looks...
  11. AlainK

    Pinus sylvestris 10

    Pinus sylvestris. I think I'll sell it next spring, for several personal reasons. It's about 2 feet tall (60-70 cm) from the soil. I can't ship it overseas, but how much do you think it's worth, what would a "decent" price be (both for me and the one who could buy it) ?
  12. AlainK

    A song from the "Old Europe"

  13. AlainK

    Any suggestion for this cedar ?

    PS : it's a real cedar, either a Cedrus atlantica, C. libani, or C. deodara, or a hybrid if that can be : a seedling gathered where the three trees are closely grown in a garden. Any idea to "make it a bonsai" ? Left ? Right ? How much to remove ? Is "minimalisticz" an option? Et caetera.
  14. AlainK


    To my friends, cousins, and others, including the Russians, I wish you Peace...
  15. AlainK

    Sex and society

    I just saw a documentary on "Arte" about the history of homosexuality. Among the documents that were shown, there was this song, by a "crooner". I remember my Mum singing it, humming it when making a cake. I vaguely remember the song, but I never tought it was about love between people of the...
  16. AlainK

    Salman ans Yusuf .. and Yusf Islam, formerly known as Cat Stevens is still making money, though he supported the fatwa against him, that is to say, plainly, that Salman Rushdie must be killed, allahu akbar. All...
  17. AlainK

    Covid ad

    New variants of the covid are emerging here and there. There's a campaign here to make people aware of the danger of an uprise of the pandemic : I really liked the music, it made me think of Henri Salvador and Serge Gainsbourg, or a modern interpratation of a standard by Pink Martini. I...
  18. AlainK


    I have a sentimental attachment to Rhodohypoxis : the ones I had were sent to me by the late Arihato. I kept them for a couple of years, multiplied them, gave some to friends, but last year, bad winter protection, they didn't show up. So this year, I ordered some online, red ones, pink ones...
  19. AlainK

    Acer buergerianum forest

    Well, not a "forest", really... :rolleyes: But 3 or 4 years ago I sowed Acer buregerianum, put some in pots, but I was left with many that I didn't know what to do with so I just put them in a spare pot. A couple of days ago, I decided to take those that didn't die and put them in a new...
  20. AlainK

    Acer palmatum 13

    Acer palmatum 13 : I must have posted about it before, but I can't find the thread so : Air-layer.
  21. AlainK

    Seedlings to forest

    3 Malus 'Van Eseltine' that I put in small pots, and a dozen or so maple seedlings, probably the plain species, that I put in a pot as a "forest". Or agrove; Or several trees in a shallow pot, whatever :
  22. AlainK

    Acer 21m

    I put a plant in the gound, but it developped a big root on one side. So I put it back in a pot, then air-layered it. I repotted it tonight :
  23. AlainK

    "Chinese" bonsai

    Bonsai originated from China, as everyone knows. Now, the "standards", or styles mostly accepted all over the western world are based on the Japanese norms that evolved since they adopted this art from the Chinese. Yet, "bonsai", or "penjing" evolved also in the native land, China, Vietnam...
  24. AlainK

    Larix 12-11

    Oh no, not another Larix x eurolepis! :rolleyes: Well, yes, if you don't mind. One of the 2-3 year-old seedlings I bought in 2012. It stayed in a pond basket, unattended at the back of my jungle (some have a "garden" - LOL as they said when I was younger). Most of the branches grew on one...
  25. AlainK

    Corny jigs

    Wanted to share some music that I heared again on TV while having my dinner. Not the film soundtrack, but it's great :
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