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  1. J

    Collected Colorado Blue Spruce

    Here's a tree that I bought this past Tuesday from The Flower Market and worked this past Sunday with Bjorn. I believe this is a Randy Knight / Walter Pall collected / distributed tree that originally ended up at Hidden Gardens in Chicago and then made its way to MI. Kurt Smith from The Flower...
  2. J

    Chunky San Jose

    Picked this guy up last night for $32.95. Originally marked at $98. I have a good relationship with my nursery owner. I buy a ton of his stock and he gives me really good deals. Here's the progression so far. From topiary to pre-bonsai in a day. If it survives (I feel pretty good about it)...
  3. J

    Fat Amur Maple

    Picked up this Amur Maple last week. I did a little basic work involving shortening the tap root stump, slightly reducing the length of the lateral roots, changing the pot, and switching to my soil mix. Before pics:
  4. J

    Hornbeam Clump

    Alright, here's my first post of a serious tree that I've worked. This is a Hornbeam clump that I picked up from Rob MacGregor of New World Horticulture. The trip took me 10 hours there and back and I walked off with 4 trees. Here are some progress pics.
  5. J

    Prunus Mume in Zone 6?

    Hardiness wise it looks like they can "survive" but would it be a non stop battle for survival? I typically winter my trees in an unheated garage from the moment it's below freezing constantly until temps rise above freezing again in spring. In a colder climate, would they flower earlier? In...
  6. J

    Thread grafting new nebari on Bald Cypress?

    Is this possible? I can't think of any reason why it wouldn't work but I wanted to see if anyone here has any experience doing this. I'm specifically looking at this which has some crossing roots and a big bare spot...
  7. J

    First Beginner Class - Willow Leaf Ficus

    This is my first complete hands on experience in bonsai. Hopefully there is room for some beginner pics here :) I know the branch selection isn't perfect but I'll eventually remove at least one existing lower branch, I just need to see where I get buds to determine what I want to keep. This was...
  8. J

    My first set of pots... ever. BonsaiVision and a Tokoname from eBay.

    I finally figured how to easily upload pictures to this site. I got my order from BonsaiVision last night. The first 5 are from BV and the last one I picked up on eBay. I'm pretty excited about them, they all look and feel great in person :D
  9. J

    Can we link to pic albums on BNUT?

    I'm used to making albums on IMGUR. I see most people upload pics and attach them to posts here. Is it OK to link to outside picture albums?
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