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  1. crust

    Freezing--can spraying or misting help

    Its going to get down to 25-28 degrees and I have too amy trees to run them all in the green house plus I have a sciatica attack going on. If I went out during the hours of freezing and misted or sprayed would this thwart injury?
  2. crust

    what is the best wire for tying in trees--could fine SS cable work?

    What is the best wire for tying in trees: experts seem to be all over the place in this one. there must be a great malleable strong rust-resistant wire one can use--but what? Galvanized wire its brittle and stick and rusts out pretty quick for me. Aluminum is OK for little things but too...
  3. crust

    radiata pine bark

    Does anybody have experience with using Radiata bark or any info on sourcing in quantity? Please share.
  4. crust

    The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum; Oct 26 - Nov 17, 2019

    Twisted Genius: The Eccentric Bonsai Artistry of Nick Lenz" National Bonsai and Penjing Museum at the U.S. National Arboretum Sat, Oct 26 - Nov 17 10:00 am - 4:00 pm I and other Lenz students and friends will be showing Lenz art at this unique retrospective. A tribute to Nick Lenz a pioneer in...
  5. crust

    To Grouper52

    Life can gather up and be a machine-gun series of heart masticating explosions for sure--I can't advise on perfect reasons to keep riding other than, completely selfishly, for us to meet someday. May this moment be a refuge of gentleness. A spiritual fan and fellow bonzo geek, Crust
  6. crust

    Akadama users: if akadama becomes unavailable?

    Akadama users: if akadama becomes unavailable what would you use in its place??
  7. crust

    Need advice on best fungicide

    Have several BR junipers that have root issues that I have determined to be fungal in the roots. It has been a persistent problem for years with wild strain BRJ I have in my collection--even when grown in hypercourse soils. I would like recommendations on fungicide treatment. So far I am...
  8. crust

    help to identify larch needle problem

    The bad needles are a bit floppy and have a dulling cast from a distance but up close have light orangish striations. The orangish striations do not scrape off--it seems integral with the needle. Earlier I suspected spider mites and then thought this was post spider mite damage however it is...
  9. crust

    How to treat root rot

    Had a long cold wet spring. Several junipers are declining and using no water. slowly suffering, I suspect root rot. Any latest treatment for root rot?
  10. crust

    Big fat overgrown spruce-All sprucoids please advise?

    Here is a big Engelmann I unwisely bought a couple years back. This year I did not pluck back extending growth in the spring under the advice to let it extend and strengthen the plant, then the plan was to let it grow and fertilize then cut it back later and it should set buds for next year. I...
  11. crust

    The Witch Tree at last goes on her slab

    New pic of the Witch Tree Composition. Can't wait to clean up the details once she is habituated
  12. crust

    Cal Mag for rain and RO water users

    So, what Cal Mag are rainwater and RO water folks using and at what rates?????
  13. crust

    Need bonsai camera and accessory recommendation

    Need a recommendation for a camera for me to do good portrait photos of bonsai. Budget 5-600$. Need to start taking quality portrait and developmental photos of my bonsai and art projects. I am not a camera aficionado. Does not necessarily have to be complex. I do want them to be good enough for...
  14. crust

    Is this right???? : the cutters seat nicely with a slight offset yet the stop-post is gapped by 1/8"

    It is a new Koyo masters grade 14-inch root cutter--Koyo is not the most premium but I was hoping for a usable tool. I would assume the stop has to contact at closure.
  15. crust

    rough stock options-wadya think

    Took a shot of a large inground larch that I am thinking of digging up come spring. Please contribute with design suggestions. Some options: kill off L trunk, save L trunk reduce to lowest point, remove everything on R except 2nd lowest thick branch, throw in brush chipper...etc etc.
  16. crust

    Looking for number 10-14 filter sand for a fine soil component

    Looking for a Minnesota source for good graded filter sand. Need fine size from 1mm-2.5mm, we'll graded, usually referred to number 10 or number 14 or so.
  17. crust

    Miniature rose variety--need suggestions

    I have been maintaining a Nick Lenz tray with three miniature roses in it for several years. Its had its ups and down but this years spring did it in and I need to replant. Does anyone have a variety suggestion for miniature roses?
  18. crust

    Temperature required to hold dormancy--is 37 degrees enough?

    I have long considered putting in a cooling unit in my cold storage facility to keep things cold and dormant during freak spring weather that tends to warm up my facility. I keep cold weather natives such as larch, cedars and junipers mostly. In researching I have found that it is vastly cheaper...
  19. crust

    I Have been asked to teach a bonsai class

    I Have been asked to teach a bonsai class (1 or 2 4 hr sessions) by a hort program girl in a local community college. Anybody out there have a format, supporting files or pics assembled for this that they can share? I know what to do but don't have the supporting stuff. Of course they would...
  20. crust

    Rocks for bonzo pots

    Amazing what eating dust from a 7" and 4.5" diamond grinders for forever does for ones constitution.Rocks were had at my local landscape and stone masonry place(Brock/White) and are a stone used for retaining walls called Lichen Mix(I think). Its not too hard--the outside is less hard than the...
  21. crust

    Best online basics for tropicals?

    My physical therapist is interested in tropical bonsai. I don't pay attention to them. I promised I would hook him up with the Tropical basics online--can any tropo-nutz give me adivice on the best online tropical (indoor) info??????????????
  22. crust

    Whats the best blog reader?

    Never used a blog reader but I think I need to--whats the best?
  23. crust

    Witch Tree needs a slab--so I make one

    Sometimes I find perfect natural stones and stone slabs but usually it is near impossible to find the perfect one and it is easier to craft one from flagstone. Flagstone is easy to find and suppliers abound, most will sell by the lb., so you can pick your rough slab piece from a pile or crate...
  24. crust

    Big Hornbeam(really Ironwood-Ostrya) beaver-chomped tree--next phase.

    I am inspired by the amazing Carpinus orientalis that the Croatians are doing. So last year I found and dug this Ostrya that was beaver chomped and has a super nice burl-base (not visible). Others that have collected this stuff have complained because the plant tends to died back to the lower...
  25. crust

    Re-wiring the Pregnant spruce

    The Pregnant spruce is a hefty Englemann I bought from Natures Way during a Norbilly trip with fellow Norbilly larchman David Severson. It was a western collected tree--probably from Mr. Knight. It is quite blue and my wife has always wanted me to have a blue spruce so I went for it. It does...
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