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Pinus Sylvestris care guide Version 2 2

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Updated version, I'm leaving version 1 online for historical reference.

If you prefer a black and white printable version, please send me a PM or edit it yourself.

Any feedback is appreciated, please send it to me in a PM so that we can discuss it further together.

I do not plan on making a version 3 unless there is a community need to do so.
First release
Last update


5.00 star(s) 2 ratings

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Otherwise you might be shooting blades of grass at whales and this doesn’t really work if you want ants out of your space station."
- from the chapter Pests and Disease, page 3.

I'm convinced that once the above is fully realized and is then integrated into one's bonsai methodology; that person may then forever and always afterwards claim to be a "Master" of the art.

That the guide consists of information compiled through firsthand trial and error over a span of time is obvious. Clearly and simply articulated with a bit of funny too. The guide has a strong " If you want what I got then do what I did" feeling about it. It's not just sterile instruction.

Good job Wires_Guy_wires.
Great update and resource fore Scots pine care.
Thanks !
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