Japanese black pine advice


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Bay area, California
Hello all I am new to bonsai, I have had this jbp for a few years but haven't given it the maintenance it deserves and let branches overgrow/too many from same location halfway up the trunk. I believe a trunk chop is in order above first two branches but just wanted advice. I've worked with Japanese maples a bit but not so much with pines. Thanks in advance for any advice


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To me the first 2 branches are pretty high, this means your final tree will actually be a larger tree (not shohin), for this you probably want a thicker trunk.

For that reason I would advise keeping the top in tact and allow it to grow as a sacrificial branch, some people keep all the extra branches and others thin to 1 or 2.

In the future those first 2 branches will be what you cut back to, with one being your first branch and the other becoming your next section of trunk and new leader, if possible try to control these to not get out of control and too leggy with candle cutting techniques.

However the tree doesn't appear very vigorous to me from pics, I am struggling to see candles, make sure the tree gets plenty of fertiliser and sun and get it nice and vigorous to ensure not only better trunk growth but also better response to pruning
Given the overgrown state I would be chopping now in order to preserve some shoots closer to the trunk and worry about trunk thickness later. Soon the lower needles on those 2 branches will fall and then it gets much more difficult to get back buds on a pine.
1, Cut the main trunk above the 2 lower branches.
2, Cut the long branch back to that bunch of needles.
3, cut the shorter branch back to the older needles.
4. Cross fingers and wait for buds to form from the base of some of the remaining needles.
5. Feed well for the next year.
6. Do some research on how to manage pines.
Thank you both for your replys. I went ahead and followed Shibuis advice on trunk chop and branch cutting. I will post pictures later, I will definitely keep researching and studying online. In the past I have over fertilized a few plants, lost some maples, and have been reluctant to overfeed my trees due to fear. It's planted in a mix of diatomaceous clay, crushed lava and pumice. When the tree is recovering from the work/trauma I just performed should it be fertilized? I need to find a better fertilizer to use, I have a powder I mix in with watering can and that in past was obviously too much. Anyways thanks again for the advice guys.
No need to wait for recovery, fertilise to help it respond well.

if you're worried about over fertilising I recommend organics
Ok here it is after chopping. After rereading shibuis post I hope I didn't cut the larger branch back too far, either way it's a learning experience and I'm just happy to be doing some work on this guy. I bought some fish on 2-3-0.2 liquid fertilizer, diluting and applying to this guy and my maples, none of which are actually "bonsai" lol. Also I know the base of the trunk has some random side roots coming off from what appears to be the original tap root. Any suggestions for down the road?


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That is just what I would have done. Now sit back, cross fingers and wait to see how many new buds you get.
This late in your summer the new shoots probably won't grow a lot but that's probably good for some branching opportunities closer together.
Well it's starting to back bud after the trunk chop and new fertilizer regiment, small buds so far but let me share, thanks guys!


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Got two buds at the end of proposed new leader and like three on shorter branch, plus each branch has a little candle/bud at the trunk


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Hey guys, so it's responding well to the trunk trip and fertilizer change up, question, there are a few candles that have 2 or more originating from the same area, should I be selecting now and pulling unwanted shoots or just let it grow wild this and next season to recover and gain some vigorously? Thank you


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I wouldn't cut a single bud off that tree for the next few years as it needs much more foliage to gain vigor and grow. How much sun does it receive? It really wasn't all that strong in the before photos and should have been much greener and bushier if it hadn't been pruned. I would consider a re-pot into a smaller grow pot.
It receives full sun for half the day or so, a repot next season into something smaller huh? Okie dokie. Thanks for the advice. It was under fertilized before I made the chop but now is receiving the necessary food to grow. All my other plants are very happy with the fertilizer as well. I know everyone is different when it comes to what type of fertilizer but right now it's only fish emulsion, any suggestions to supplement with for next year? Thanks for any advixe
It receives full sun for half the day or so, a repot next season into something smaller huh? Okie dokie. Thanks for the advice. It was under fertilized before I made the chop but now is receiving the necessary food to grow. All my other plants are very happy with the fertilizer as well. I know everyone is different when it comes to what type of fertilizer but right now it's only fish emulsion, any suggestions to supplement with for next year? Thanks for any advixe
The fish emulsion is fine. I have no idea how many hours of direct sun your tree has received. They’ll do ok with 6 hours of direct midday sun but would prefer 8+- that’s what the term ‘full sun’ means.
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