Recent content by oso52

  1. oso52

    Ficus neriifolia (New Jersey) 3 Trees I wish I was in New Jersey area! Best of luck with your move to Colombia.
  2. oso52

    Online bonsai vendors

    Evergreen Gardenworks and Wigert's Bonsai.
  3. oso52

    pre bonsai Mark

    Just an update. Mr Mark has a webpage now. I hope I'm not breaking any forum rules by posting his page.
  4. oso52

    pre bonsai Mark

    This is the last purchase I made from Mr. Mark Comstock, great looking Taxus.
  5. oso52

    pre bonsai Mark

    I've made three different purchase from Mark Comstock, this included taxum, two Japanese maples and a mystery box that included 12 different starter material. You get what you pay for with Mark Comstock...great material (more that just pre bonsai) for your dollar.
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