Recent content by Nigel Black

  1. N


    Could you please explain your assertion? It would be much more helpful and valuable if you can explain why. Thanks, Nigel
  2. N


    I'm wondering if anyone here has used coir (shredded outer hull of coconuts) it works exceptionally well for cacti, but there seems to be some debate amongst thorned xerophyte aficionado set about its 'appriopriateness'. So at risk of setting of yet another soil debate, has anyone here used...
  3. N

    Banks Pine\Pinus banksiana

    I was thinking of the pendulous variety for cascade styles... Nigel
  4. N

    Banks Pine\Pinus banksiana

    Smoke, I have thought of those. Even tried to get some from Iseli when a friend was doing his internship out there, but they didn't have enough in production was what he was told, so no Cedrus. There is an old specimen of C. atlantica 'glauca' on the campus nearby. I've thought of grafting...
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    Banks Pine\Pinus banksiana

    I like its short needles. I've been slowly acquiring a collection of shorter needled pine species. Not a big fan of Japanese black, Red (densiflora or resinosa) and only the short needled white pine cultivars. I have some varieties of P. cembra as well. So there you have it. I really like...
  6. N

    Banks Pine\Pinus banksiana

    Not sure what you mean, but it does say to mention whether or not you want a business to contact you. And I don't, not as such. And many here DO NOT have bonsai or horticulturally related businesses. And they might want to trade or sell surplus. And then there are that some DO, and we do...
  7. N

    Banks Pine\Pinus banksiana

    I'm looking to buy or trade for seedlings of this species of pine. Private individuals only, NO businesses please. Thanks, Nigel
  8. N

    Take a crack at identifing these two trees

    Brent, what about those odd elongated embryos (I sound like a stuck record) are those typical of A. negundo? Nigel
  9. N

    Digging it... Or not.

    "Well there is a statement in favor for fast draining soil, it sure can' hurt in those conditions." Uh-huh. I lost a huge segment of my cacti collection upon moving from Texas to Georgia. Things don't dry out as fast here, and it doesn't get as hot. So what my real issue here is, would be...
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    Take a crack at identifing these two trees

    Tomchigi, I'm going to let the the second one roll around in my head for a while until the vague sense of recognition kicks in. The first one is problematic because any species of Acer I can think of with trifoliate leaves doesn't have that elongated embryo. Are you sure it is a Maple...
  11. N

    Digging it... Or not.

    Thanks Martin and Dav for your replies. Martin at least two are worth collecting. The one I have already dug was the best of the bunch, and two more have great potential. There are many more there that are at least ten years old that are so dwarfed and heavy with branches it's hard to tell...
  12. N

    Digging it... Or not.

    Tom, So you advocate an actual potting mix as opposed to Naka's suggestion of pure coarse sand? What do you use? I considered sifted\screened composted pine bark, with screened granite saned and turface. But as this is uncharted territory for me I was uncertain. I've bare-rooted collected...
  13. N

    Digging it... Or not.

    I have a quandry, a dilemma, a seemingly insoluble problem. There is a stretch of road nearby that has a small stand of Virginia pine on it. Seedlings and older plants both, all of varying ages. And I found out that they are going to bulldoze it come this Monday, July 23rd. I know, I know...
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    Trader Feedback Tracking

    What would you recommend then? Greg, if you haven't done anything regarding this yet, What do you think s the best way to handle this? Nigel
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    Favorite Bonsai Books?

    Oi! How could I have forgotten Ms. Koreshoff? Although there is much overlap between her book and Naka's two volumes, there *ARE* things that are only to be found in one or the other. This makes it worthwhile to have both authors works. And DO NOT under any circumstance pay the egrigiously...
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