Recent content by John Hill

  1. John Hill

    My New Picture Web Site

    Nice Thomas !!
  2. John Hill

    Shohin pine stock

    Looking good Al A Friend in bonsai John
  3. John Hill

    Name that tree

    Oh I forgot to tell everyone that photo of the berries was of eastern cedar I pulled off a search
  4. John Hill

    Name that tree

    Yes it did come from a hundred year old or so farm house. Their were five or six of them but I got their to late and only the 2 were left. Thanks Kirk. A Friend in bonsai John
  5. John Hill

    Name that tree

    After further ado I believe it is a cypress. It would just be nice to know for sure. A Friend in bonsai John
  6. John Hill

    Eastern Red Cedars

    Hey Vance, I know what you mean. After thinking and searching I believe that is is an old Monterey cypress (Cupressus macrocarpa). But when I carve on it smells like ceder. Maybe the cypress smells this way also. Who knows? A Friend in bonsai John
  7. John Hill

    Name that tree

    These are a couple trees I collected back in 2006. I was told they were eastern ceders but after thinking about I am starting to have doubts. They foliage looks just like that of Juniperus virginiana L. What do you all think it may be. Better pics to come. A Friend in bonsai John
  8. John Hill

    Eastern Red Cedars

    Hi Dave, It was on an old farm. When you carve on it has the smell of ceder. I would like to know exactly what it is. I will take some pics of the foliage and start another post, don't want to sidetrack roelex14 post. I was just told they were ceder. A Friend in bonsai John
  9. John Hill

    Eastern Red Cedars

    Here is two I collected in 06. One ,as Rock said is really lanky but has back budded quite a bit. I will have to go out and take some new pics of them. I plan on working on it this year. I will let you know how it responds. Now I could be wrong on the species but I do believe they are ceders...
  10. John Hill

    Trident maples, a chronical

    Hi Al, First of all this was a great read and some fantastic work. Have you tried here:*/ I know it would take a lot of searching but you might get lucky. You probably have already tried this site. I hope that this will help. A Friend in bonsai John
  11. John Hill

    Little slash pine

    Looking good Jay, nice tree imho. A Friend in bonsai John
  12. John Hill

    A "larch" Story Part 2.

    Looking good Hans!! A Friend in bonsai John
  13. John Hill


    Ok,, you could use pond baskets, colanders or what ever to develop fine roots. This is so you don't have to actually take the tree out and prune the roots the air will do it for you, is this right? Remember when you use to place a concrete slab under a tree that you plant in the ground and then...
  14. John Hill

    What am I missing?

    I would not either. I was seeing what you all may be seeing. A Friend in bonsai John
  15. John Hill

    Making a LARGE custom pot

    Fantastic Dale!! That is a monster!! Hey just one thing? Why don't you smile :) A Friend in bonsai John
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