Recent content by jeremy_norbury

  1. jeremy_norbury

    Photos of Sunburn from Water Droplets

    I also read that water droplets don't concentrate light they scatter light...
  2. jeremy_norbury

    Always-kept-in-small-pot progress photos wanted

    I have many examples of small trees in pots which have remained small trees in pots even after 15-20 years. - Korean hornbeam - in a pot since purchase in 2008: - Mountain maples/Rowan - since 2008 in a pot...
  3. jeremy_norbury

    Is this privet(?) worth it?

    Agreed - it is.
  4. jeremy_norbury

    Uncommon bonsai species

    I have 50 species of trees, but nothing particularly unusual AND native to my zone. I have a couple of uncommon species which are not native here but which are greatly underrated: - Chinese Ash - Italian Alder
  5. jeremy_norbury

    Help me with a Virt for my shohin Ume.

    Nearly all deciduous trees will backbud on hardwood after being hard pruned. Elms 100%, prunus too, I can't even think of one that didn't.
  6. jeremy_norbury

    Trident Maple -- Black spots on new growth

    I have to say I am spraying every Trident with everything I have about once a week right now, with the hope that it stops these black spots.
  7. jeremy_norbury

    Help me with a Virt for my shohin Ume.

    It'd be good to see the tree out of the pot - see the roots too.
  8. jeremy_norbury

    Should I protect early buds on Larch and Dawn Redwood?

    Larch need no protection, ever, in my experience. I have over 250 of them, if that helps...
  9. jeremy_norbury

    Help me with a Virt for my shohin Ume.

    What's between the soil surface and the roots? Can it be rotated anticlockwise?
  10. jeremy_norbury

    Trident Maple -- Black spots on new growth

    Did this resolve the infection?
  11. jeremy_norbury

    Bonsai Pots - Glazed vs. UnGlazed

    I believe there is zero is pure aesthetics.
  12. jeremy_norbury

    Is this pot too big for the tree?

    Both pots are lovely.
  13. jeremy_norbury

    American Beech should I dig this up?

    No, I would not. It has weird nebari and no taper. You'll spend years trying to correct the former and you more or less can't correct the latter.
  14. jeremy_norbury

    Some photos from the Belgian Bonsai Trophy - yesterday.

    It's still just about this big.
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