Eric Group
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  • Eric you said you did not know where to get gels for your lights. I have dealt with B&H Photo with great results and they have a good reputation among some professionals that I know. And they have a large inventory of used items as well. Here is the link: give they a try.
    That's interesting. We are not that far above you, near Fayetteville, NC. And here our Azaleas are definitely deciduous. My Satsuki's hold very tight buds but loose all of their leaves. Always something more to learn. thanks
    Eric your azalea looks like a great challenge. But as I was looking thru the web site before I went off to my local Lowes I notice that the azalea listed on you receipt is listed by Lowes as " 2.25-Gallon Mixed Deciduous Azalea (L4841)" . Did i notice the wrong one as this contest is for non-conifer evergreens? enjoy your post, please keep them up. DougB
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