Recent content by DaveV

  1. DaveV

    I.D. this problem!

    I will be using Clearys 3336 dg lite granular fungicide this year as a drench. Clearys also makes a liquid that can be used as a foliar spray too.
  2. DaveV

    I.D. this problem!

    I had the same problem with a trident maple many years ago. I believe its a fungal problem. Try a foliar antifungal. Maybe a drench too. Hopefully more people with tridents chime in here.
  3. DaveV

    Anyone making Bonsai Rock Slabs in the U.S.?

    I was at Dave's place a couple weeks ago and he does made custom slabs. I believe he was making one for somebody that looked to be about 24". I have one of his earlier slabs and it is very sturdy.
  4. DaveV

    Some pictures from the Redneck Bonsai Photo Studio

    Does Georgia get cold enough in the winter for your junipers? One of your junipers looks like one form Bonsai West.
  5. DaveV

    I want to play a game

    Is that a Chupacabra to the right of the unknown juniper?
  6. DaveV

    Japanese Maple Arakawa

    Do the tops on Arakawa JM tend to die back. Is it common for them to do so?
  7. DaveV

    Pot recommendations

    Another view
  8. DaveV

    Pot recommendations

    This is an American Elm that needs a different pot. Any suggestions?
  9. DaveV

    Airlayered American elms

    Air layered American Elm - I really like the way this tree is developing.
  10. DaveV

    Air-layered Japanese Maple

    Yes, I agree!
  11. DaveV

    Air-layered Japanese Maple

    This tree was originally purchased as a seedling from Bill Valivanas about 7 - 8 years ago.
  12. DaveV

    Air-layered Japanese Maple

  13. DaveV

    Air-layered Japanese Maple

  14. DaveV

    Air-layered Japanese Maple

    I Started this air-layer back in April ( 2 months ago) . Today I separated the air layer and placed in training pot. Will make a beautiful tree some day. Wish me luck!
  15. DaveV

    What did you do bonsai-wise this weekend?

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