Recent content by Aukai

  1. Aukai

    Satsuki Azalea hardiness

    Loving all the replys! Tyvm! My confidence level on that subject just went up a notch. Figured I would just have the 2. May just have to get another or 2?
  2. Aukai

    Satsuki Azalea hardiness

    Salutations......I have a small Miyuki and a Medium to Large size Shinnyonotsuki, and am now checking the hardiness zone, and noticed that the hardiness zone starts at 7. I live in the KCMO area and I live in 5a or 5b zone. Am I doing a disservice to the tree by having them? Are there some...
  3. Aukai

    3 year old Mikawa JBP seedlings

    Thanks to everyones input on the container...what about soil?
  4. Aukai

    3 year old Mikawa JBP seedlings

    I am about to purchase some 3 year old Mikawa JBP seedings and was wondering if I use the same 1:1:1 mix or should it be a different set up? Also any training techniques. I am going to repot them in a short wide terra cotta for awhile. I live in the KCMO area. Ty
  5. Aukai

    Black tip?

    I try and make sure no leaves are touching the wall...close but not touching
  6. Aukai

    Black tip?

    Light shouldnt ne an issue since its sitting on Kithchen table. Pretty far away from light, alot of the time its not enough light, but thats the only place i can keep them.....ty for ir response
  7. Aukai

    Brazilian raintree flat top

    Wow! I love it. My BRT i got in July, was an air layer from I did with a club member, off his air layer he did a few years back. Ever since i got it and have been taking care of it, I saw a flat top. Ur first pic to finish is just awesome! Thank you for sharing. Here is mine along with my lil...
  8. Aukai

    Black tip?

    Salutations....Found this, this morning? Too much water? Just the one leaf on my lil developing Bodi....Ty
  9. Aukai

    Color change colors on my Satsuki Azalea

    Salutations, I got my Satsuki Azalea in June here in the KCMO area and we are getting into the winter time (slowly but surely), and i am wondering bout the colors goin on with the leaves and buds. Is this normal color? Ty
  10. Aukai

    RMJ Jitters

    What are u using for the rust and mites?
  11. Aukai

    RMJ Jitters

  12. Aukai

    RMJ Jitters

    By chance, do u have any Juniperious Virginias (Eastern Red Cedar) around?
  13. Aukai

    RMJ Jitters

    Hello...i am about to jump into something here in KCMO area, that has got me nervous. I have heard its difficult to keep RMJs alive around here. I havnt received it yet but will soon. Any tips would be greatly appreciated, ty.
  14. Aukai

    Any help would be kewl

  15. Aukai

    Any help would be kewl

    On these Junis, i have noticed that the growing tips seems to be the color the whole trees foliage is supposed to look like, which last season i had the color. Kinda nervous, any help would be awsome...ty 1st my Kishu...have had it almost a year Next a cutting i have had for a...
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