Pinus Thunbergii help


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Hello, my 3 year old pinus thunbergiis needles have started falling off a month ago. I am not sure what happened. It is currently just in pumice and I water it whenever the top is dry which is usually once a week. I've grown this from a seed but honestly do not have much experience or knowledge. 20220509_210411.jpg
This could your problem. A pine tree belongs outside for long continuous growth.
Add your general geographic location to your profile to get zone-specific guidance. JBP don’t last long inside. They need to be outside, in a pot with drainage, watered much more regularly than weekly.
Add your general geographic location to your profile to get zone-specific guidance. JBP don’t last long inside. They need to be outside, in a pot with drainage, watered much more regularly than weekly.
I am in zone 7a in Maryland. You think it's already dead? And when should it be outside?
I would say outside fulltime just ensure the roots don't freeze. In a cold frame or greenhouse.
I would say outside fulltime just ensure the roots don't freeze. In a cold frame or greenhouse.
Even in the winter? Also should it be in just pumice or do I need to repot it?
Some questions the bonsai masters can answer better, but as someone with plenty of experience killing pines, it's dead. I'm amazed it survived so long inside tbh.
I am in zone 7a in Maryland. You think it's already dead? And when should it be outside?
Outside all year in MD. They’re fully hardy in zone 7, and yes, it’s dead. Dump it out, clean the pot and try again. Be sure the pot has a drain hole.
Outside all year in MD. They’re fully hardy in zone 7, and yes, it’s dead. Dump it out, clean the pot and try again. Be sure the pot has a drain hole.
Okay outside it is. So is the pumice alone fine or do I need to mix something else in?
Sorry but looks like you will have to start over. Keep them outside in full sun. I think it is dead because you kept it inside too long. I am no stranger to pine but still have dead pines.... and I kept them outside too.... so don't feel bad. Problem is I still don't know why 3 are dead out of 8 in the same pot. The ones survived are thriving. These are the ones from seed that I entered in the 6 year contest.
This thread reminds me of the Monty Python skit where the guy is trying to return a dead parrot, but the shopkeeper says it's still alive.
Or dumb and dumber, the bird with the head taped on and the blind kid… “pretty bird….yes….that’s a pretty bird….”🤣
Okay outside it is. So is the pumice alone fine or do I need to mix something else in?

Sorry, it's too late for this one. It is dead.
Nothing will make it come back now.

Pines need to be outside. They will not survive inside a house, most trees wont.

They also need dormancy in winter which means cold. We protect trees in pots during winter by putting them in a coldframe or mulched against the foundation of the house but this is only necessary when it drops below freezing.

Also during the growing season, it needs water more than once a week. They need to be watered when the soil is almost dry not completely dry.

Try again, grow another one. Learn proper care and you'll have a better chance of success
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