Best place to purchase shohin pots?


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Where can I get some more pots? I want ovals and maybe 1 rectangle. I have some rounds from ikers but I'm ready to get a couple nicer ovals.
Where O where to look?
Don't say facebook- I don't have facebook.
Where can I get some more pots? I want ovals and maybe 1 rectangle. I have some rounds from ikers but I'm ready to get a couple nicer ovals.
Where O where to look?
Don't say facebook- I don't
Where can I get some more pots? I want ovals and maybe 1 rectangle. I have some rounds from ikers but I'm ready to get a couple nicer ovals.
Where O where to look?
Don't say facebook- I don't have facebook.
Price range would help....i.e. terra cotta or 300 y/o chinese
Price range is subjective based on quality and availability. $20-$70
I would like to see what's available before I commit to a price range actually. Do you know a place?
Price range is subjective based on quality and availability. $20-$70
I would like to see what's available before I commit to a price range actually. Do you know a place?

are the first 2 that come to mind in terms of lotsa stuff to look at in various price ranges, & of course there's always ebay
Matt Ouwinga sells the nicest shohin pots. He's on eBay. But if you contact him directly, he can work with you on the price. He's on vacation this week. Check with him next week. He gets fresh shipments at least monthly.
Google these (I dont have the web addresses memorized). They should be easy to find.

Some pot makers in the U.S. who have web sites
Sarah Raynor Bonsai Pots
Iker Bonsai Pots
Ron Lang Bonsai
Eagleville Bonsai

Vendors that sell pots from different makers but don't make them themselves.

The problem is this: like with trees, bonsai pot makers dont have the time to post all their pots on a web page. Availability is often based on what they were able to put up in the forge previously that wasnt already ordered by someone. Some potters dont even have a web page but they do go to shows with lots of inventory. I have purchased several at shows (I really should dig out my pot maker's buisness cards some day). If you know what you are looking for you can contact any of them and they will send you picture of what they have available that fits what you want. You can also order pots from them in the size, shape and glaze you want.

Hunting for pots online can be very frustrating.
Good luck
You're in Des Moines - it's worth a trip to Red Wing, MN to see Sara Raynor and her studio.
i like to use ebay for cheap pots, and bonsai vision for high quality pots...and also erin pottery for really killer pots...brandedbonsai is the distributor in the US for Erin Pottery pots
the nice thing about Erin pottery is that pictures of the actual pots available online are posted every thursday...I think that's one of the main reasons for Vic's success
Matt Ouwinga sells the nicest shohin pots. He's on eBay. But if you contact him directly, he can work with you on the price. He's on vacation this week. Check with him next week. He gets fresh shipments at least monthly.
Wow thank you
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I have been to Dasu only once. He makes great pots but what he shows online for imports is blah. Enjoy his trees though very much. Will see him at the fair on Sunday- I will ask.
Redwood, MN- had no idea she was that close.
Facebook :(
I have got some from ebay.
Maybe I will just ask ikers to make more ovals. - commission my own.
I will check out the websites
Thank you
And if you have any little pots laying around PM me.
Not accent pots but a little bigger
Lots of folks have Facebook accounts with names like "bonsai bub", or "bonsai Betty". Just for particiating in the "Bonsai Classified", "Bonsai Auctions" groups.

Sellers like them because the groups are maintained by volunteers. There's no eBay overhead.
Lots of folks have Facebook accounts with names like "bonsai bub", or "bonsai Betty". Just for particiating in the "Bonsai Classified", "Bonsai Auctions" groups.

Sellers like them because the groups are maintained by volunteers. There's no eBay overhead.
If I set up a FB account- how do I find these double secret auctions I hear of?
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