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Madison, Wisconsin (United States)
Good afternoon,

I've been caring for my Brazilian Rain Tree, and it seems to be holding on okay. I have been noticing some things however, that do concern me. there seems to be some leaves with white spotting on them, as well as what seems to be like a water bubble emerging out of the stems of my BRT. I don't know how normal the bubbles are, but I do feel like the white spotting is a bad thing. What does it indicate in a BRT, and how can I make it better? It has been getting yellow leaves again, and I can't help but think it may have something to do with my watering, or the temperature and humidity in my room. I water my BRT when the leaves start to droop really badly, which is about every two days. Any help would be appreciated. Feel free to ask me for pictures in case these aren't really clear.

BRT leaves close at night and will remain closed and "droop" if light is not strong enough during the day. Perhaps that is an issue? Pests will also cause leaves to droop.

My eyes are not quite good enough to make out what pest you have in your "white spots" .

With my orchid collection I treat prophylactically for spider mites and false mites around this time of year. I don't know if you need to do that or not, I don't see definite mite damage.
If you are waiting until the leaves are drooping really badly during the day to water, you are waiting too long.
My BRT usually need to be watered every day to every other day even in the winter BUT mine are under lights that keep them warm for 15 hours a day and cause evaporation/drying out of the soil. Plus I use a really open soil mix for them.

Get a chopstick and stick it in the soil and leave it there. Take it out once a day and look at it. Water the tree when it is ALMOST dry.
Do not let it dry out completely. This will help you learn when your tree needs water.

BRT REALLY HATE to dry out. They will drop leaves if they dry out too much.
Mine will have leaves turn yellow and drop off here and there. Its normal. They do this to replace their leaves.
If all or most drop off all at once then its usually a watering problem

As Leo, stated. It is normal for BRT to close their leaves at night and also when its windy or they get disturbed.
If you are waiting until the leaves are drooping really badly during the day to water, you are waiting too long.
My BRT usually need to be watered every day to every other day even in the winter BUT mine are under lights that keep them warm for 15 hours a day and cause evaporation/drying out of the soil. Plus I use a really open soil mix for them.

Get a chopstick and stick it in the soil and leave it there. Take it out once a day and look at it. Water the tree when it is ALMOST dry.
Do not let it dry out completely. This will help you learn when your tree needs water.

BRT REALLY HATE to dry out. They will drop leaves if they dry out too much.
Mine will have leaves turn yellow and drop off here and there. Its normal. They do this to replace their leaves.
If all or most drop off all at once then its usually a watering problem

As Leo, stated. It is normal for BRT to close their leaves at night and also when its windy or they get disturbed.
Thank you very much. Also, what do you think could be causing the white spotting? I'm slightly concerned because It is spreading throughout the plant, and I don't really know what could be causing it. Also, would those bubbles I mentioned be of concern?
Thank you very much. Also, what do you think could be causing the white spotting? I'm slightly concerned because It is spreading throughout the plant, and I don't really know what could be causing it. Also, would those bubbles I mentioned be of concern?

I dont think either of them are a cause for concern.
I think the white spots are just the leaves getting old and the plant working on replacing them
The bubbles, I get on my trees too and they seem to occur at joints in the stems.
I have never seen where it was a problem or being caused by an insect.
I'm not a 100% sure but look up guttation for the "bubbles" Water droplets I've seen the same thing on my BRT & I believe it's due to underwatering. It's called rain tree for a reason. :)

I found out about guttation on this Lavender star flower plant I was underwatering.
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