Some juniper maintenance


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It's a needle juniper (rigida)


Branch at point No 1 is dead
The branch with No. 2, 3, 4,. These are all points where die back has occurred on this branch. It is very weak. There is a good chance it will die completely in the future. If this occurs, the whole design will need to be reconsidered.
The graft at the base of the branch is for insurance although that is not guaranteed to work on such a weak branch either!
At No. 5, The tip has died back but the rest of the branch looks ok at the moment.
No. 6 died a couple of years ago.
As you can see, this is not a tree you can rely on very well.

The dead branch must obviously be cut off and jinned


The first, lowest and strongest branch. (below)
This will have to be substantially reduced (thinned out) in order to balance with the strength of the rest of the tree. (we obviously always try for balance)


Thinned out...P1100130.JPG

Wired.. (and thinned a bit more)


More in a minute......
Sorry about the gigantic pics. I will try to resize the next ones.

Main branch again..

This is a nice tree! I would be concerned about the random dieback it is experiencing. I don't have any needle junipers, but my understanding is they are a stable species so die back may be indicative of a root problem. Just my thoughts. Of course the health of the tree is paramount.

Thanks for sharing.
They're getting smaller.

The first 2 back branches done..


Next ones up..


The weak branch. It only really needed to be brought forward a bit. The tree will also require turning a few degrees anti-clockwise to help ''fill'' the space left by the dead branch.

Part of this branch (below) will also need to be brought forward and down to help fill the gap.


The apex. I think most people (including me) find this area the most difficult. Not that it is that hard, but there are so many small twigs going in every direction it takes a bit of time when thinning and wiring up here.
I try to keep wiring to an absolute minimum in the crown.

More in a minute.....
I don't give shit how many guns they got in Australia!


Nice Tosho. Don't see too many of them. Hope it pulls through, it has a lot going for it.
Any idea why it's dropping branches?
I'm wondering why you're styling it if it's so weak? Wouldn't it be better to let it build up some strength first?

I suspect there's a root issue.
It's not weak. it grows like stink and needs thinning often. It was originally grafted onto San Jose. The branch die back could be because of delayed incompatibility but I doubt it. I have read that branch die back is not unusual for this species but this is is just too much for my likeing. I intend to overhaul the roots this spring. It definitely needs more water and food than shimpaku!
I cannot confidently trace the live veins on this tree, but ...

It seems significant that the problem branches are all on one side of the trunk (per the first photo). From this view, there is a shari running up the middle of the trunk - all the weak/dead branches are on the same side/live-vein -- ?
I cannot confidently trace the live veins on this tree, but ...

It seems significant that the problem branches are all on one side of the trunk (per the first photo). From this view, there is a shari running up the middle of the trunk - all the weak/dead branches are on the same side/live-vein -- ?
That is a very interesting observation. I'm going to check the hell out of that later!
I cannot confidently trace the live veins on this tree, but ...

It seems significant that the problem branches are all on one side of the trunk (per the first photo). From this view, there is a shari running up the middle of the trunk - all the weak/dead branches are on the same side/live-vein -- ?
That branch where the graft is? It appears to right in the middle of a Shari! I can't see the whole thing... I know it can't be, or else it wouldn't still be alive at all!
Have you considered reducing the height a little?
View attachment 111860 View attachment 111861
Usually easier said than done, but each time I look at it, I want to shorten the apex.
Yes I'm aware of the height thing and I did reduce if by a couple of cm. Any more would need drastic attention. Also my camera tends to squash thing laterally so they appear narrower than they are. It's not too bad in the flesh but I take your point.
Might be a good idea if you can definitively trace the live vein that feeds those weak branches by cleaning up the trunk and taking off some of the flaky bark. If it's got very narrow that could be a reason & will help you to formulate plan B when it comes to restyling. Nice tree & a brave man for maintaining a rigida :)
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