It's a needle juniper (rigida)

Branch at point No 1 is dead
The branch with No. 2, 3, 4,. These are all points where die back has occurred on this branch. It is very weak. There is a good chance it will die completely in the future. If this occurs, the whole design will need to be reconsidered.
The graft at the base of the branch is for insurance although that is not guaranteed to work on such a weak branch either!
At No. 5, The tip has died back but the rest of the branch looks ok at the moment.
No. 6 died a couple of years ago.
As you can see, this is not a tree you can rely on very well.
The dead branch must obviously be cut off and jinned

The first, lowest and strongest branch. (below)
This will have to be substantially reduced (thinned out) in order to balance with the strength of the rest of the tree. (we obviously always try for balance)

Thinned out...
Wired.. (and thinned a bit more)

More in a minute......

Branch at point No 1 is dead
The branch with No. 2, 3, 4,. These are all points where die back has occurred on this branch. It is very weak. There is a good chance it will die completely in the future. If this occurs, the whole design will need to be reconsidered.
The graft at the base of the branch is for insurance although that is not guaranteed to work on such a weak branch either!
At No. 5, The tip has died back but the rest of the branch looks ok at the moment.
No. 6 died a couple of years ago.
As you can see, this is not a tree you can rely on very well.
The dead branch must obviously be cut off and jinned

The first, lowest and strongest branch. (below)
This will have to be substantially reduced (thinned out) in order to balance with the strength of the rest of the tree. (we obviously always try for balance)

Thinned out...

Wired.. (and thinned a bit more)

More in a minute......