Reliable USA Source for JWP Seeds?

It may not be obvious... but I am a big fan of bristlecone pines. One of the reasons why I like them is they seem to backbud readily when healthy - more so than any pine that I am familiar with.

Sadly, I have tried different sources, different species... but I can't keep them alive here in Southern California. In my opinion it's not the heat that does them in - it's the dryness (as well as the lack of reliably cold winter).
I don’t grow Bristlecones, but I’m not real sure the NC mountain climate is right for them, either. I guess the only way to know is for someone to try them.
Julian’s Zuisho are created from either cuttings or airlayer. So, no graft! Very much worth the price.
Thank you for that link. I'll keep an eye on it and think about ordering a few of them. Give them a few years to grow on and see how they do up here. I doubt Bristlecones would do well up here. I get up to 130 inches of rain in wet years at this location so whatever I grow has to be able to take high humidity, LOTS of rain, and cold (sometimes wet) winters.
I'm not going to read this whole post. If you are semi-almost-near an arboretum of some university-type institution, you could find a planting of P.p. 'Various & Sundry'. The cones open ~August thru September, conditional on temperature and dryness. If you ask the High Priest/Priestess if you can gather some cones, they usually are so pleased that you bothered to ask, they'll bless you. If that proves problematic, comb the ground immediately below the cones, which open sequentially, bottom-to-top, and you will beat the #$@^& Squirrels to some. Many of the cones will be down-side-up and can be raped just by tipping them over with your paw underneath catching the children. Rots-o'-ruck!
I have purchased and sprouted JWP from I haven't checked the site in about 2 weeks but I think they had them last I saw
Thanks Guy.
Guess who is hoping to try JWP seedso_O:D

And may have just germinated Pinus Aristata.
Time will tell.
Good Day

* presently pounding clay for a 16 x 6 inch [ exterior dimensions]
porous clay pot for a J.B.pine.
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