Rabbit control?

Eric Group

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Columbia, SC
I have a new kind of VC incursion- a "cute" little bunny has decided to make my vegetable garden his personal buffet! Literally picked three rows of beans to NOTHING! He is a BALLSY little bastard too! Just sits there looking at me while he ravages my crops, like "what? What are you going to do about it?"... Thus far my answer has been a whole lotta NOTHING! I tried... I thought he was coming in through some holes in my fence.. So I fixed those, and oddly the rabbit was still getting in... Then I noticed the little jerk was LIVING UNDER THE PLATFORM FOR MY SHED! so, by trying to keep him out I have mistakenly trapped him INSIDE my fence! This has become especially troubling because he is moving on from my beans which are 100% picked clean now- to my BONSAI! I have so many cuttings and smaller trees lining a concrete patio edge or planted I a grow bed... There is just no way to move them all out of his reach, and he seems to like Quince and Elms a LOT!

So, my new trick is trying a very Wille Coyote type of trap with a stick propping up the box, and some food tied to the stick with wire... Hasn't caught a damn thing!

Any ideas how to get rid of him or discourage him at least? Something short of the murder I have in my heart for this animal is probably best... My wife wouldn't like it much if I had some new rabbit skin gloves for this winter! :)
every once in a while I can scare one down the empty cardboard rolls from weed barrior at work plug the ends with 4" pots and adios. I think its the dark hole that gets um. Maybe an old cardboard roll from carpet, 6" pvc or something?
Little bastards ate 10 of my trees 2 years ago, so bad that I sold them at auction. This year 2 of them ate some K Hornbeams I had in the ground, and all 5 have died. I may need to resort to unpleasant measures too. Unpleasant for the HopAlong Gang, that is.
There are traps I can buy on Amazon... Maybe if I trap him I can just drive his hoppy ass out into the country... And give him a proper burial! ;)
The havaheart traps work well, for groundhogs, and raccoons, probably work for rabbits too.
Where there's 1 there's more. You my have a small tet offensive on your hands. That 1 may just be a scout.
The cong are insidious little buggers.
Personally, I'd get your cuttings off the ground if you can. As far as the veggie garden goes, I will tell you the only time I have used a gun with malice in my heart was when a ground hog was taking large bites out of the bottom of each tomato in my garden the day it started to ripen. A stealthy approach through the 3 season porch followed by a well placed shot from 20 yards out with a 10 pump air rifle...pumped 12 times... ended the tomato carnage. I hung the carcass on a tree trunk on the edge of the woods as a warning to the others. I recommend proceeding with extreme prejudice if tomatoes are harmed in any way.
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I am surprised you did not recommend the cure all :p http://www.maxflex.com/Nets_page1.HTM !

Ah yes, I would've and almost started typing it in, but then read that he's in the city. That's generally not allowed. That's what I do around my garden, along with a net fence above the regular fence that goes to 10' for the deer.
Great day- Ya'll have it worse than me! I have never needed a fence before this year. gotta get rid of this damn rabbit! I have a new puppy in the family- a 4 month old Lab/ Brittany Spaniel mix, but he won 't even bark at this rabbit for me.. Shoulda got a Pit Bull, That rabbit would be fertilizing my lawn by now!
If you have the right tools, critter control is pretty easy even out here. It's when you're not set up for it, that you run into frustrating issues. Good luck with Mr. rabbit.
Get a cat. They are natural born killers and will send them to that bunny trail in the sky in no time. My yard used to be a rabbit habitat. They become bold and aren't afraid of dog or man. They did considerable damage to my trees three winters ago. Ever since my neighbor started letting his six(!) cats play outside, not so many sightings around here.
Get a cat. They are natural born killers and will send them to that bunny trail in the sky in no time. My yard used to be a rabbit habitat. They become bold and aren't afraid of dog or man. They did considerable damage to my trees three winters ago. Ever since my neighbor started letting his six(!) cats play outside, not so many sightings around here.
I had a cat when I moved here- disappeared the first day. Still not sure what happened. I know they try to go back to the previous house sometimes after you move, but I still own that one and he never showed up there!
Burmese python?
The 2 I used to have loved rabbits. So did the boa.
Or for fun get a paintball gun and give the bunny an Earl Scheib paint job.
Yeah.. It is me and a house full of women now Mike. I don't think I will be owning any more reptiles! It is funny to Mae how many people I have noticed are into Bonsai and also were / are into reptiles, and it seems fish as well. I guess there are some similarities there- the "collecting" of something alive that is unique/ different/ interesting to look at... Caring for them is an every day thing...
Have you tried chemical repellents?
I have one but I actually don't know if it works...
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