Montpeiler Maple


Queen of the Nuts
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South East of Cols. OH
Well, I'm really excited about this tree, I have to preface this post right up front. I could be the only person in the world that can see what I see in this tree, and I'd still be deliriously happy with the potential that I see. I've been looking for a tree with this basic outline for such a long time, and to have found it in an unusual type of maple that I don't already have, is a bonus for sure. This tree looks like the many great old maples here where I live.

Some will see reverse taper. I myself see a real natural base flair with a bit of waist, then a hourglass shape at the branch flair. The challenges with this tree is to determine what to do with the cut. It is very obvious, and these do heal slowly, so I understand. But I'm not sure I want to carve down the front, so I may try to heal it, and with as many branches around it, I may have some luck there. I think as the branches swell, the cut will shrink towards the center. I have only done carving to take the cut less than flush, I'll wound the callus in the growing season.

The bark is very nice, and is a good dark color.

Feel free to bash, trash, or love this tree, it couldn't matter less to me what anyone thinks....:D
But suggestions and comments are very welcome!


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Judy I like it a lot. Its not far from a real nice tree already. Did you collect this or buy it? I can hardly wait to see it flush with growth next spring, I bet the wound will not be visible. As far as reverse taper goes I truly think thats over done. I see most trees in nature have reverse taper, usually where branches grow out around the trunk. I guess its admirable to have the perfect tree, but if nature can not always pull it off why should we worry about it. Don't forget to post some pictures in its summer dress.

Judy I like this tree as well. What I like about it is its natural feel. It's not perfect and that's exactly its charm. IMO this tree calls for some nice carving work. Rather than trying to make a traditional cut like you have now, I would perhaps make a feature out of it and bring it down one side with some skillful carving.
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pretty cool tree, I see this more like a oak tree that I saw going to the doctors some time ago,
very old and dried out branches also a hold in the trunk all very good for creative ideas...
Good going Judy, look forward to follow up pictures next spring...
Best regards,
What is the growth habit like for these maples ? Are they difficult to bonsai ? It is a big old looking tree but how do plan on fixing the base ? I have never seen one as a bonsai.
Nice tree. From Wee Tree?
Thanks for all the responses.
From the material that I've been able to find, and the Jquast kindly sent me, these are good bonsai candidates, but they do grow slowly. They are very heat and drought tolerant, much more so than trident, so I'm not sure why they aren't used more in Cali. The leaves reduce very well, if anyone wants, I'll send along what I have on them.
Thanks ris and ed...
Mach, I know the tree you were trying to show probably. I think if you pasted a link instead of the tree photo, it would be allowed.
jquast, I do see the similarities here. Thanks for the link. I will be looking for a pot with that feel to it when I look for a pot for this as I like the pot combo.
Davetree, fix the base? Can you tell me what you are seeing about the base?
If you are speaking of the crossing root, I haven't decided what to do with it, but it could easily be cut off in a year. This will need to be left alone to grow for next season...
Neat tree!!!!!

If I were you I'd do something with the branches ASAP. Either shorten, or thin and wire. Otherwise they're likely to get away from you.
The base looks really nice in pic 2. In pics 1 and 3 there looks to be a big gap between the two big roots. I just thought its a maple, easy to graft roots on the base.
Don't get me wrong. I love the tree. I have several old rugged maples from WeeTree. An old tree like that deserves a nice set of roots.
Nice tree.

Most of the branches need to be shortened. The carving need some "character" ;)
Davetree, I agree, I will be taking cuttings this spring and I'll probably do some grafts for roots.
And you're right, it should have some nice roots, that would add the cherry (on the bottom...);)

I will be choosing branching soon, and thinning a bunch, thanks JKL, it is pretty neat!

Monza,That's a super nice full moon maple, they're tough to do here where it's windy.

And Mach, the one I was thinking of his is a beech, but this one is nice, and has the same idea...

Still not convinced about the carving, I've got this winter to come up with a plan...
thanks all!
It's always exciting planning the design and future of a tree. Forgive me Judy, but for what is worth I took the liberty of doing a sketch of your tree as it could possibly look in the future. This is done also taking in consideration some of the feedback from other members ie. root grafts implemented into the design.

Just like any other art form, I do realize that this is all highly subjective and many solutions are always possible. Ultimately you're the one in the driver's seat and need to be happy with your tree :) Have fun with it!! ;)

mountpelier maple.jpg
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How very nice of you to take the time to make this lovely sketch. Certainly is a road I can see this tree going down, and you have some talent with a pencil. I have not a lot...

I'll be printing this sketch and putting it in my journal
Thanks again!:D
I think this is a prefect candidate for a "Ben Oki Hackberry" inspired tree. I think you know which one I mean. ;)
Hey Dario, I have thought about that tree while looking at the styling for this, don't think I haven't....
And that beauty of a drawing Mach5 did also has that flavor.... seems like it may be the way it is leaning towards.
I love that Ben Oki tree, I still feel so fortunate to have seen it in person at the W. collection.
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