
  1. B

    Serissa Indoors with grow lights?

    First Bonsai here! Just wanted to know the feasibility of growing specifically a serissa indoors? I got this plant blind and didn’t realise how finicky it is, so right now I’m trying to master keeping it happy and healthy that before going into bonsai techniques. I’ve seen recommendations for...
  2. Alaskanrocket

    Indoor greenhouse action

    Im rapidly running out of room because I hoard Ficus cuttings.
  3. Kodama

    Indoor Humidity - Trunk Moisture

    Hey BNuts! Hope you can help. I have a couple indoor trees in the basement tent and recently turned on humidifier to get levels more tropical. Humidity Above 50% and temp range about 70-80 during the day. Right now set to run 14hrs. Auto timer off at night. I noticed over a couple days the...
  4. P

    How to wintering plants on the open balcony

    Hello! I am looking for some tips/lifehacks/advice about wintering bonsai on the open balcony (without windows). My zone is 6a. The lowest temperature last 3 years was 13-14 degrees Celsius. But the average temperature in winter is -7 -5 degrees Celsius. I have some maples, pomegranates and...
  5. AnutterBonsai

    Office Bonsai - Brussel's Golden Gate Ficus

    So we recently got moved to a new section in the building where I work and we have this big window that has perfect light! I noticed it looked too bare, so I went ahead and decided to have a nice pleasant "indoor" bonsai type perfect for it. Settled on a Brussel's Golden Gate Ficus. wired it...
  6. indoorbonsai


    REDDISH GROWTH ONLY I repotted this powderpuff last fall and it dried and dropped its leaves from the repotting stress. I’ve been careful with watering to prevent root rot. I see some fine white roots growing. But all new growth-stalks, stems,leaflets are all reddish. And they wouldn’t grow...
  7. AnutterBonsai


    Here's a question from a newbie; if I am leaving town for 2.5 days, would it be possible to leave bonsai next to sunny window (9hrs of direct light) indoors? My medium is not fully inorganic so I believe it not to dry out much, but my main worry is will this affect much on the photosynthesis...
  8. sticky_paws

    Absolute Beginner *Chinese Elm*

    Hi wonderful knowledgeable fellow bonsai enthusiasts!! I have jumped in to the world of indoor bonsai with both feet and bought myself a beautiful Chinese Elm approx 10 years old. i’m an absolute beginner in the UK and would appreciate all the help & advice I can get please. So far Yoshi, (yes...
  9. T

    First indoor setup! tips and tricks wanted!

    bit the bullet and got my indoor setup running- temps are already hitting 35°-40°f at night up here. 2'x4'x6-1/2" shelving unit. i wanted to line the trays with lava rock but that plan fell through, maybe next year. ended up using 3/8" "egg crate" light diffusers to add some depth for a...
  10. parhamr

    Feedback welcomed: “Should My Bonsai Tree Go Outdoors?” (flowchart)

    Please don’t turn this into an argument :cool: I welcome constructive on this flowchart I just whipped up — << full PDF here! Remixes and spoofs are very welcome—how would you neutrally and gently guide somebody to...
  11. xtal12

    Need guidance with Fukien tea

    Hi all, last year I got into this hobby and took care of two trees, one is still alive and the other one I killed it after around 10 months more or less. That was in the balearic islands, but couple of months ago I had to move to Barcelona so I kind of stopped my tree adventure. Last week my...
  12. B

    When should I start to fertilize my 2 week old seedling?

    It is a Delonix Regia that I am keeping indoors until the weather permits otherwise. This is the first tree seed that I’ve planted. Also, what kind of fertilizer should I use and should I put it in another “pot”. This one came with the kit and I’m not sure how sufficient it is. I have...
  13. M

    Bonsai near balcony door... did i just kill my bonsai?

    Hello, I live in a small house and now have 5 indoor bonsai that I am really enjoying, one of which is a bilobed Grewia (Grewia Biloba) I got for Christmas. So I set up a stand by the southern window, beside the door to my porch where the rest bonsai tools and pots are. In the past week I...
  14. Tbwilson33

    lighting... LED?

    Hello this is my first post, I recently got hooked on this hobby. I’m looking for good light recommendations. If you could flood me with links, info and personal experiences I’d love to hear it. LED seems like the route I wanna go but not sold on them just yet. I’m looking for quality and with...
  15. WesternGrower

    Spruce Backbudding

    Well it would appear that I've managed to get my Blue Spruce to backbud, but only on one branch. Its worth noting, I didnt do anything special and I wasnt trying to get it backbud either. Do you think these buds will mature and open up this season? I see smaller buds forming on the hardened off...
  16. Cerauno

    Alpine species: Indoor or Outdoor?

    I live in Montana, USA, in the Northern Rocky Mountains. I've been attempting to grow three seedlings which I took out of the "wild" (if you can call around my neighborhood wild), all of which are native subalpine/alpine trees. I have two Rocky Mountain Maple babies, and a tiny Douglas fir. I...
  17. Dane Kofoed

    Rosemary pre-bonsai is dying

    This established nursery rosemary was obtained in the summer, kept indoors in well lit area until winter. Now we have less light coming in, furnace is drying the air out, and it's been lightly pruned a few times (for shape and to thin it out). It has gone from full and lush to browning needles...
  18. sparklemotion

    Humidity Tray "grid" - there's got to be a better way

    For ease of watering (and upping the local humidity) I'd like to put some of my tropicals on humidity trays. I am not a fan of the tray+gravel+pot method, even though the gravel does look pretty. I'd prefer a nice, sciencey looking grid, like these Humidi-Grow trays that Bonsai Boy has. The...
  19. Mr. Green

    Indoor Bonsai for Beginners

    Hi guys, Since I am completely new to this forum, I will give a quick intro: I am 23, German/French/Italian, studying in the Netherlands. I have always had a love for growing things, especially in early high school. After a few months of not being active on that side, my passion for plants has...
  20. philart

    Indoor Bonsai

    Have any or you read Brooklyn Botanic Garden's book "Indoor Bonsai", published 2002? I'm curious the thoughts of the membership here and experiences of people growing indoors, especially those growing year round. I read the book about a year ago via my local library, then recently picked up...
  21. My Ficus Microcarpa

    My Ficus Microcarpa

    High: 27 width: 38 Work in progress. I live in north Texas, weather is unstable. It's too hot in the summer and too cold in the winter for this tropical tree. I have to keep it out door but in shade in summer and indoor in winter close to a bright window. It's been working well for me...
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