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  1. rockm

    Dwarf Alberta Root ?

    Welcome to container grown Alberta Spruce. It's just an ugly nebari. I've had similar on Alberta Spruce I've worked on. One of the reasons I stopped working on the species.
  2. rockm

    Beginner with BC

    They're just roots that have been pushed or grown up out of the main root mass and then back in again. You can remove them without much problem.
  3. rockm

    Bonsai tree for Japanese garden

    Niwaki and Sukashi are the terms used for shaping garden trees and shrubs in Japanese gardens. Niwaki is typically associated with larger trees and their maintenance, primarily pine trees. Sukashi is as well, but it means "thinning" out of unwanted branches/shoots etc. the same principles can be...
  4. rockm

    Don’t go to Champion Nursery in S.C., off of 707

    I always thought the Redneck Riviera was from the Fla. panhandle over to Biloxi, Miss.--the North coast of the Gulf of Mexico. S.C. had nothing to do with it. Seems there's some nickname creep happening. Always knew Myrtle as the "Grand Strand" and traditionally much more highbrow than the...
  5. rockm

    Bonsai not growing to full potential

    It makes it much easier for us if you fill out the location info in your avatar to the left. Otherwise everyone who posts here have to sift through your posts to find that critical information. With the info in the avatar which accompanies each post, that info is readily seen.
  6. rockm

    Bonsai not growing to full potential

    3--water when the tree needs it. There shouldn't be a set schedule, as the plant's needs will vary (sometimes tremendously) day to day. Learning how to water is a key to learning bonsai. Watering errors are one of the primary things that kills first time bonsai. Water when the soil is dry (ish)...
  7. rockm

    Bonsai tree for Japanese garden

    Planting in a pot in the ground complicates things for the plant. The pot in the ground will act as a bucket, if the drain holes are blocked. Even if you make sure they're clear, it will eventually be blocked. That means the pot will become a swamp and kill root and ultimately the plant. You...
  8. rockm

    Bonsai tree for Japanese garden

    Bonsai are not bonsai once they are taken out of their containers--bonsai literally means "tree in a tray or pot" They're kept small via root restriction and pruning. There are no special "bonsai" plants that keep themselves small. Sure you can take the tree out of the pot and plant it in the...
  9. rockm

    Bonsai not growing to full potential

    Your tree isn't growing and is in decline because it's being kept indoor. Move it outside if you can. Continuing on indoors will kill it. Elms are often sold as "indoor" bonsai, when, in reality, they can't really tolerate it. They decline and die inside because of extremely low light, humidity...
  10. rockm

    the queer folks thread

    "Romantic relationships between the opposites create a much stronger connection between the two." If there ever was a more telling statement of inexperience it's this...Do you actually KNOW anyone who has been in a committed long-term same-sex relationship, or hell even a heterosexual marriage...
  11. rockm

    Bonsai pot with Katakana symbols - Can somebody identify this pot?

    It is a mass produced slip pot. Clay, glaze and shape are typical of production bonsai pots. Kiku is (or was--don't know if they're still around) a maker of bonsai tools based in China, so this might be associated with them.
  12. rockm

    Need advice on my recently repotted Chinese Privet (Ligustrum Sinensis)

    The pot is fine. It just looks too small because the tree is too tall. That extra volume at the top fools the eye into thinking the tree is large. The trunk is not proportional for a tree that tall. Next spring, I'd look to reduce that apex by at least half--pruning back behind all that foliage...
  13. rockm

    Massive pine fell behind house probably a month ago. Can cuttings still be taken?

    Those are dead. Note the reddish color? That's a pretty good sign that they're not coming back. As said, conifers can remain green for some time after death.
  14. rockm

    Caterpillar Munching on tree

    Caterpillars are a pain, but they're preventable. Systemics can help, but they can take a while to work. I've found the best way is to hunt them down and pick them off. You have to be attentive to chewed foliage. If you see one leaf chewed down to the veins or completely to the stem, don't wait...
  15. rockm

    New the forum - I have questions I can't seem to find straight forward answers to on Goole.

    I'll take a stab at a few answers. There are a few books out there on JMs--this one is probably one of the most comprehensive (and it's expensive) This one's pretty good too. It's old, but the design info remains very good...
  16. rockm

    Don’t go to Champion Nursery in S.C., off of 707

    I got no dog in this fight. I have no way to tell who's lying, but Howie's allegations are smelly as hell--he pushes those explicit accusations three times (from what I remember) deflects each time he's challenged on the facts. Says there's a video, but produces no video, says he wont contact...
  17. rockm

    Don’t go to Champion Nursery in S.C., off of 707

    @MrFancyPlants, what @Howiechampion is doing could be considered cyber stalking and online harassment--he apparently specifically signed up here to harass you, he's done background searches, as well, if Bonsainut is correct. You might avail yourself of legal protections should this continue...
  18. rockm

    Don’t go to Champion Nursery in S.C., off of 707

    If you have evidence of criminal activity on your property, it's YOUR RESPONSIBLITY TO REPORT IT TO LAW ENFORCEMENT. This is hardly the place to make accusations like this (other than, if they're only to make creepy inuendoes about someone who didn't leave a decent review of your business...).
  19. rockm

    What could be causing these short internodes?

    Could be fungal infection of the bud, or insect damage. the lumpy leaves in the first photo says it's more physical damage than genetic, at least to me.
  20. rockm

    Looking for some way to buy and get some trees shipped to Denmark

    I'd bet that all of those species are available at local nurseries in your area. Common names are "false cypress" for Chamaecyparis. "Noble Fir" for abies procera, and "Arborvitae" for thuja. The specific varieties (spiralis, Rick's Foxtail and primo) aren't all that necessary for bonsai...
  21. rockm

    Newbie - hi👋

    I took a look around greenwood's page and unfortunately, the "indoor" species they list are all kind of problematic for indoor growing. Most of the trees they list would need substantial supplemental lighting to be successful for long-term indoor growth (and BTW, even in a window, sunlight is...
  22. rockm

    Newbie - hi👋

    Unfortunately, both the maple and cherry will die inside and both rather quickly. Along with the high light, humidity and air circulation requirements, Both maples and cherries require winter dormancy--which requires them to be kept below 35 F (1.6 C) for months. Dormancy in the autumn is also...
  23. rockm

    Newbie - hi👋

    If you don't have a space outside, you will have more success with a tropical species, ficus in particular, indoors. The more the merrier. Most bonsai folks have more than one tree, A LOT more 😁 "Hard pruning" means pruning back to old wood, as opposed to just pinching out new soft growth...
  24. rockm

    BC question

    have you search on "bald cypress" here? There is a ton of info on how to care and develop them. Also, if you do facebook, there is an entire group dedicated to BC bonsai, has hundreds of members.
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