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  1. M

    Japanese Larch

    This tree looks best in the fall, the needles are completely off now, ill try to get another pic soon. All the shari was made by hand, it started from little ovals that i slowly connected. Once the trunk barks up and the vein matures even more it should be pretty sweet. Any help for the top...
  2. M

    Big Ol' Strobus

    It came from open clay, so we just put it back in the ground. Decent root ball, it didn't have a taproot. Sorry about all the eyesores, the stakes keep it still no matter how windy it gets, and the fencing keeps me from getting the entire tree in frame. The fence is needed because this tree got...
  3. M

    American Larch

    No interest in the Japanese larch, so ill post some american too. They were wired this year but everything bounced back almost 100% about a week after taking it off. So i added guy wires to a couple to keep the branches somewhat in place. It's roughly done so sorry for the looks. It'll get the...
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    Larch Progress

    Here is my only Japanese Larch, I've had it since it was a 2 yr old seedling. I figured I'd post pictures before the fall color starts. The big trees here are already starting to blush. Ill get to the american larch when they turn, and with more pictures of this tree and all my pines. This year...
  5. M

    Larch in the fall

    Seeing all the larch threads reminded me that I forgot to post pictures of my larch back in the fall. Since it's winter i thought it would be a nice surprise for everyone to see some color again anyway. Theres also a picture of the japanese larch from the summer. Everything gets wired in the...
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    A couple accents

    All from within a mile of my home. A wild strawberry, ( it would look so much better if i cut off that dead shoot... oh well...) Some unidentified thing that grows all over my yard with some clover and grass, and a fern that came off a nearby cliff. I have a bunch of other accents, but...
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    A strange accent...

    Where i live we are surrounded by deer, and where there are deer there are poachers... Sadly, it's a common sight to find a deer carcass left to rot in the woods. Poachers cap the skull for the antlers, and walk away. I think the people who do this should have the same thing done to them, but...
  8. M

    Pesitcide/ Fungicide and their effect on people

    For the first few years I grew my trees I got away with not spraying any of them at all. I never had any real issues until I bought a pine that had some needlecast. I sprayed it a couple times, and the fungus never spread to the new needles. I was paranoid about the spray, so paranoid that I...
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    A thread about pets

    I noticed there isn't much here about our animals. Some threads about koi, but not much else. I have a horse, and two parrots. Then I also have 8 hens and one noisy rooster. The horse is a morgan named Molly. I was looking through my pictures and thought she looked like a wooly mammoth, so I...
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    My "Other Conifers" Progression Thread

    In case you didn't see my thread in the pines section, I'll introduce myself again. I've been lurking in the shadows around here for awhile. I said a long time ago i would post more, but apparently i lied because i didn't post again until yesterday. Now i'll have threads that i'll have to...
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    Some Collected Pines

    I don't post too often here, but i'm trying to change that. I decided I would post pictures of some of my trees, so I can see their development over the years and share it with all of you. Since i live fairly close to Natures Way in Harrisburg, PA, I've had the opportunity to buy some nice...
  12. M

    Anyone want a big ol' chunk of driftwood?

    Title describes it pretty well... I feel like getting rid of this thing, i found it in a cow pond on a farm. It's 8' +/- In honesty, i have no idea what something like this is worth, so name your price. It's the best piece of driftwood i ever found, which is why i almost killed myself dragging...
  13. M

    Ponderosa Pine borer

    I bought this ponderosa from Natures Way in Harrisburg, PA just a couple months ago. It was collected two years ago and has been doing pretty good. Yesterday i was looking over the tree and i found a small hole on one of the branches. There wasn't any sap around the hole yet, so it was very...
  14. M

    getting movement into a shimpaku trunk.. without wire

    i was watching lindsay farr's world of bonsai, and i saw one episode and was very confused. there was a part where they showed how to add a lot of movement into the trunk by just adding spiraling shari. does anyone know how this works? the part in question startrs at 2:08. heres a link...
  15. M

    looking for many pinus species

    Im looking for pines, speciffically cork bark JBP, JBP, and pitch pine. Im looking for any affordable trees. I cant find cork bark JBP anywhere, so if you have any it would be great. i am also looking for JWP, but not as hard as the others. If anyone has any information, or trees for sale, it...
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