Recent content by jimlau

  1. J


    I repotted this past winter. It was not root-bound at that time. I guess all that branch growth had the roots growing. Unfortunately when I push down the soil, it is pretty firm, except 1 corner. I should have used a bigger pot.
  2. J

    JM Lump

    I bought it last year, from a field grower. I know nothing about it's history beyond that. But I don't think the grower did root grafting.
  3. J

    JM Lump

    What kind of cut? You mean flush with the trunk?
  4. J

    JM Lump

    Does that remnant of a cut need to go, or does it add character? Thanks.
  5. J

    Root Growth

    Thanks, but I'm looking for trees ~2" trunk or more. Btw, those photos look like generic ones, and so I can see when you said you aren't sure you get the 1 inn the photo.
  6. J

    Root Growth

    Where? I've bought from a field-grown place, facebook bonsai groups, and ebay, though rarely.
  7. J

    Root Growth

    Ok, you all scared me off. So, didn't buy. ;)
  8. J

    Root Growth

    About $275 shipped.
  9. J

    Root Growth

    Here it is. Not bought yet.
  10. J

    Root Growth

    Thanks. No, I don't think any nearby helpers. Should this be done at the start of the growing season, or is spring / summer ok? I will have to study the technique before risking the tree.
  11. J

    Root Growth

    All at once, or could I do it with 1 big root? Is it risky?
  12. J

    Root Growth

    I have a trident with roots above the soil, leaving an air gap. Not what I want. If I cover the roots and scrape off some cambium under the soil, would roots grow there? Anything else I could do? Thanks.
  13. J


    This is a trident maple. I've been letting the new leader grow, untouched, to thicken it. The leader is about 6 feet tall. There are no new shoots on the leader and all branches. I have a Japanese maple that also has a 6 foot leader, and it is still exploding with life on every branch. I...
  14. J

    Wood Filler?

    To reduce the diameter of the hole being used for thread grafting, other than toothpicks, is no-shrink wood filler ok? Thanks.
  15. J

    Cutting Back All At Once?

    Ok, mixed message. Several have said to do it all at once, but then another opinion is to do it 1 section at a time. I've completed the cutting, but made sure a few leaves remained on each branch. Hopefully it will be ok.
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